How could a scene/scene subset have another scene file as a dependency?

This is a new one. I was cleaning up old scene files earlier today. I opened up a fairly new scene file (just a clothed figure) tonight and got a "missing files - the following file can't be found" message. Here's where it gets weird, the missing file is a scene file. Not a mesh or an asset. A scene file. A scene file that's...completely unrelated, other than the fact they were in the same folder. It wasn't a "save-as" situation, so there's nothing that might have been left behind or anything like that.
Nothing seems broken, but still, how could this happen? Spooky.
Post edited by mmdestiny on
Try to open your new scene file in a text editor and search for the other scene file.
Wasn't able to find anything, but I DID figure it out. In the first file, I had used C4D to make a custom adjustment to a piece of clothing for the character, loaded via morph loader. I saved a wearable preset that included this item, but did not save the morph asset for the item. It appears this has created a dependency on the scene file within that piece of clothing now, even if it's loaded stock straight from its product with no intention of wanting/needing that morph.
Strange, I'm 100% positive I've done that before with no issues.