What fandoms would YOU like to see? (springboarding from fan art discussion)

in The Commons
The discussion on the allure of fan art thread got me thinking - what currently un/under-represented fandoms would YOU love to see content for?
Kamen Rider, would love to have some of the suits from the later Heisei era series and the Reiwa era stuff.
Jerry Jang makes a lot of outfits that are, if not directly inspired by Kamen Rider and the broader Sentai genre, stylistically very influenced by it.
I'm working on a Shadowrun animation project, so it's not exactly fanart related, but I would like to see more practical "sci-fi/cyberpunk" clothing. Clothes that look slightly futuristic, but also like something real people would wear, especially in tactical situations. My other major fandom is Avatar: the Last Airbender, and there's been quite a fair amount of "inspired-by" outfits and add-ons, but Appa and Momo figures would be pretty great.
Yep, have most of his stuff, just looking for more as there are so many great designs in the series.
...same here regarding the Shadowrun/Cyberpunk universe.
^Love Shadowrun. Can mostly kitbash similar styles but more cyberpunk always welcome.
Mass Effect, no questions asked.
Maybe also Gundam Wings or Scarlet Blade style mechs, which more wrap around the figure instead of having a comfy cockpit.
HFS Shapes - ME Expansion - https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/70433/hfs-shapes-me-expansion
V4 Asari Head Morph - https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/70506/v4-asari-head-morph
I have those, but would like something much closer to the design in the original trilogy. (There's some notable differences between the Asari from the trilogy and the ones from Andromeda, especially the headfolds just don't look right in Andromeda, their crosssection is too circular) Ideally, the headfolds as a geograft (also replacing the ears) with a variety of seamless textures for skin and markings between the graft and the rest of the body.
Thundercats, lion and vehicle Voltron.
1980's Voltron? (I know they did a reboot, haven't watched it)
I don't do anime generally, but oh man would I make an exception for '80s lion Voltron. I'm not sure 8-year-old me would forgive me if I didn't. =P
Fallout. =P
I know it's popular right now, and there's a ton of post-apocalypse stuff, but I'd love some power armor and robots, and maybe a Deathclaw or some other critters. Maybe a super mutant for G9, and vault set with working doors, you know, fun stuff? ;)
...one of the series I always loved was Babylon 5. At the time (1990s) it was pretty groundbreaking using very well modelled CGI for the exterior scenes and ships. As I remember it was done with the Amiga Video Toaster™ not a Cray or other large supercomputer. The look and feel was more in touch with the Sci-Fi I read and enjoyed.
It was actually more of a novel presented in teleplay format which is why it had a limited run. The programme featured a few notable actors like Stephen Furst (Vir) Bill Mumy (Lennir), Walter Koenig (Alfred Bester of the Psi Corps), and Efram Zymbalist Jr (industrialist William Edgers). My favourite ongoing characters were Susan Ivanova, G;Kar, and Vir.
This would be one "IP" licensed content line I would actually consider purchasing.
I like the elves from tolkien which are tall, thin. And with very long hair. And not just female elves. I make my own of course, but do like the Tolkien's look.
Yeah, that's the hard stuff to findThere are a few freebies around, but only one version of pipboy and not the version I like, and the only Assaultron I have ever seen looks ridiculous because they fetishized it and made it look stupid. Makes me want to lean to model and make my own... been saying that for years, but I haven't even managed to finish the donut tutorial for Blender...
if I had to pick a fanfic based on something I'd like in 3D, Stargate especially the clothes would be the one, we already have countless freebies of the gates, ships and SG Atlantis scattered over the internet but I always admired the wardrobe department of the various sertes for the very practical but trendy clothing.
I would like someone that has never saw the Lord of the Rings / Hobbit movies and only ever read text-only 4 books from J R R Tolkien do the characters in those books how they imagined them when they were first reading the books.
I'd like to see accurate representations of Conan the Barbarian and especially Red Sonja.
This would make me the happiest person on the planet. Babylon 5 is, hands down, the best sci-fi ever made in any medium IMO.
Yes. I don't particularly care for PJ's vision of Middle-earth; in particular, his Elves are much too ethereal.
Speaking of Elves, I'd love to see some takes on Morrowind. I know there are some Balmora-style buildings over at Rendo, but I was thinking more of the original Morrowind aesthetic for the Dunmer, both characters and clothes. Later games have really failed to capture that "Central Asia meets European Renaissance" aesthetic.
Accurate to what? The novels, comic books or movies?
I loved Peter Jackson's casting, with two major exceptions: Hugo Weaving as Elrond, and Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn. Hugo Weaving was far too sinister and angry, and my reading of Tolkien's elves is that they were more detached - not in the sense that they never felt strong emotions, but definitely in the sense that they didn't have permanent scowls. Lee Pace as Thranduil was more like what I thought Elrond should have been. Aragorn is both a ranger and a king, and Viggo Mortensen just has an innate scruffiness to him that didn't capture the kingly aspect; even at the very end, when he had assumed the throne of Gondor, he just looked like a ranger dressed up as king. He never FELT kingly.
THANK YOU! I often feel like the only person who did not like Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn (though I also just didn't like PJ's moping, insecure Aragorn, but on top of that, as you said, Mortensen just never had the presence of a king). I'd also add he felt very American. Orlando Bloom was another weak casting, but IMO he's just not a good actor.
I agree that I mostly like the casting, though. Cate Blanchett, Ian McKellin, Christopher Lee, and Bernard Hill were particularly inspired (though Théoden should have looked older, and I hated the whole exorcism thing--PJ's usual love of spectacle). Even though I hated what PJ did to my favorite character, Merry, I loved Dominic Monaghan's performance.
It might be interesting to have a "ready-made" Daz Conan, but the essential elements are easy enough to bring together without one: White-skinned with a tan, blue eyes, long black hair, muscular but not too bulky (moving like a panther or tiger). I would only buy a Daz version if it were released with standard licensing and were exceptionally well-made. It would need to be better than both Scar 8 and Classic Barbarian (G9), which are already decent starting points and have been available for less than $10 each for the bundles.
For Sonja, the most well known look from the comics; chainmail bikini, boots, triangular pauldrons, etc. I don't think Conan has as much of an iconic outfit as Sonja, but I think if he looked like the original movie version or any popular comic version, you'd get no real complaints.
The Dark Crystal, we already have pseudo-gelfling in the store.
I would love to see some Phillip Marlowe assets. Pre World War 2, the golden era of the gumshoe.
Period correct cars, clothes, hats, hairs, guns, holsters, saps, booze, bars, and back alleys.
"It was about eleven o’clock in the morning, mid October, with the sun not shining and a look of hard wet rain in the clearness of the foothills. I was wearing my powder-blue suit, with dark blue shirt, tie and display handkerchief, black brogues, black wool socks with dark blue clocks on them. I was neat, clean, shaved and sober, and I didn’t care who knew it. I was everything the well-dressed private detective ought to be. I was calling on four million dollars." - Raymond Chandler - The Big Sleep.
I would like to see the characters from the Showa Era of Ultraman and Kamen Rider. Especially the villains.
Which are not caricatures or toony, something one could mistake for a real car in an old photo.
Since Conan is a book character translated into comic and movie form, what does an accurate version look like? Is it the ripped, long haired, swarthy muscle dude seen in the comics or the big tough armored fellow from the books? Or is it Ahnold from the movies? I think DM already supplied a lot of Conan-inspired materials in M4/V4 without calling him by name, though you could also say they were channeling Frazetta.
it's not like Star Wars where you have these iconic characters clearly defined in form and appearance.
Given the trailer that just dropped yesterday... I'm wishing for some Wicked.
And also period-appropriate places and things that are not abandoned or destroyed.