Diffeomorphic: problems installing Xin HD add-on

so im trying to import some HD meshes into blender and i have been trying to install Xin HD add-on to help me but my blender just refuses to install it, according to the log the addon is installed successfully
and if i go to AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\4.1\scripts\addons the file appears no problem alongside the rest of the diffeomorphic files
but the option to enable it never appears in edit/preferences/add-ons in blender itself
i have been trying multiple things for several days but nothing works and i dont understand what im doing wrong
I also have to say that i already tried installing it in blender 4.0 and before that but it doesnt work, it just refuses to show up
Post edited by bigoskar00 on
The folder to place in the blender addons is not "daz-hd-morphs-main", that's the distibution with the source code and documentation. Inside the distribution you find "daz_hd_morphs" that's the blender addon.
that did it, thank you very much