Multiple issues apparently related to paths

For a applications file was installing on drive D:...all by its lonesome over there....
I recently re-installed after unplugging drive D;.....
My Applications file is now safely on Drive C;...with everything else...
Problem now is Face Transfer can't find the new location and is giving me a "Failed to Load File" error....
I cahnged the temp setting in the General section of Preferences editor,,,but still no luck.
Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
It probably wants the content, which may be clearer from the full error or from checking the log (Help>Troubleshooting>View Log File). Do you have your content directories set up for the new locations?
only the applications file and everything in it moved....
I checked files from another install....the file "Generate" was missing after face transfer....I dont know if there should be anythng after that.
I need to see the file structure from a clean instrall of the "Applications" file to see what else should be there.
This may help with troubleshooting
Can't figure out why my movie renders are coming out black...yet a still image render is fine...all in NVIDEA Iray mode.
All setting have been set to default.
My file problem persists....the "Applications" file and everything in it was on drive D: away from everything else...
Now I have it on "C:Program Files\DAZ 3D\Applications\Data\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4 Temp\ after that...nothing.
DAZ 3D does not seem to want to read or write anywhere in here.
update.....Same result with 3Delight.
What are you trying to do? Applications should usually be installed to the Program Files folder, and it sounds as if you are selecting a temp folder (for temporary files that gets cleared when DS starts) as a location fro something that should be persistent.
If it affects both render engines it looks like a problem with the creation of the movie file itself.
Maybe try rendering to an image sequence and use another tool to make a movie out of the sequence.
Agreed....I think its all boiling back to the damn missplaced "Application" file.....
thats the problem....that file list is from a fresh install.....its not putting the application file in the correct place....or anything in it.
I plugged the D: drive DAZ 4.5...and both postgreSQL files....
on D: all by itself...this file structure
Applications/Data/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4 Temp/Face Transfer
/Render Album Tmp
/Text Converter
All the last files are empty.
If that is a temp folder they would be empty.
What are your path settings? Those are not locations that would be sued without the user specifying them.
Merged threads sicne they all seem related to pathing, to try to keep everything together.
Please explain how you installed, what method(s) you used, and what path options - we really can't help without a clearer understanding of what is happening.
I have a second version of DAZ 3d at performs fine... I checked all the DIM install paths on THAT installation and they are the same....