Had to reboot machine, is daz central still available to put on it again?

VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

Had to reboot machine, is daz central still available to put on it again?

I use daz central whenever i am looking for stuff, otherwise it will next to impossible for me to know what I have, sure hope it is still available

is there a link I can download it at?


Post edited by Richard Haseltine on


  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,191

    Daz Central is definitely deprecated in favor of DIM, possibly already discontinued.

  • PadonePadone Posts: 3,804

    As I understand it the DAZ store is linked to your account so you should have the same library from any PC you connect from. Unless I misunderstand what you're asking for.

  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    yes I just wanted daz central so I can quickly browse throguh and see images which makes tings go so much quicker


    so nobody knows of a link to download daz central anymore?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    VicS said:

    yes I just wanted daz central so I can quickly browse throguh and see images which makes tings go so much quicker


    so nobody knows of a link to download daz central anymore?

    No, though we understand that adding a "grid view" (like Daz Central) to Install Manager is being looked at.

  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    yo k thanks

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    Moved to Technical Help as it is not a Daz Studio topic.

  • WitchavenWitchaven Posts: 31

    I honestly don't understand how anyone can use Daz 3D without Daz Central. Literally every time I create a scene, I go into Daz Central, click Daz Studio Assets, switch the view to the big picture view and either scroll down or type roughly what I'm looking for. How anyone can just remember all their products is beyond me. How do people browse through all of their products without Daz Central?

  • NathNath Posts: 2,856

    Witchaven said:

    I honestly don't understand how anyone can use Daz 3D without Daz Central. Literally every time I create a scene, I go into Daz Central, click Daz Studio Assets, switch the view to the big picture view and either scroll down or type roughly what I'm looking for. How anyone can just remember all their products is beyond me. How do people browse through all of their products without Daz Central?

    Manual install and installing into categories. Also, Daz Central doesn't show content from outside vendors as far as I know. 

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    The Products tab of Smart Content is also quite an effective way of finding things, especially with Filter By Context checked if you are wanting items made for the current figure.

  • SofaCitizenSofaCitizen Posts: 1,970

    Witchaven said:

    I honestly don't understand how anyone can use Daz 3D without Daz Central. Literally every time I create a scene, I go into Daz Central, click Daz Studio Assets, switch the view to the big picture view and either scroll down or type roughly what I'm looking for. How anyone can just remember all their products is beyond me. How do people browse through all of their products without Daz Central?

    I never used Daz Central so perhaps I just don't know what I missed but presumably it's using the same metadata that exists in the database which also powers Smart Content? If so, then for me, it likely would not have helped me much since there just isn't enough data/tags/keywords etc. My usual go-to is to do a google search for the thing I want - since that incorporates a lot more data (like the product description and forum posts etc). Then I go through the results until I find a match to a product that I own (and sometimes wishlist the ones I don't).

  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    but smart content doesnt show half the things I have I thought

    central was easy if you were thinking of something but didnt know the name


  • SofaCitizenSofaCitizen Posts: 1,970

    Well, in theory, Smart Content SHOULD show all items that were installed by any of the three Daz installers which contain front-facing assets (which I think all Daz store Products do). Many may not be correctly categorised and will show up in lost+found instead of the correct categories but still there regardless.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    VicS said:

    but smart content doesnt show half the things I have I thought

    central was easy if you were thinking of something but didnt know the name

    Smart Content should broadly show anything that Connect shows, though neither will show any (Connect) or most (Smart Content) products from other sites. If you are missing a lot of content that was isntalled through Connect that may be instalaltion issues - if you close DS and immediately start Central or Install manager the database may not be running to receive details of the installed products - reimporting metadata should fix that.


  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    I installed everyting with DIM , only g8f is in SContent, v3 is not there under figures

  • SofaCitizenSofaCitizen Posts: 1,970

    I don't have Victoria 3 purchased so can't check that on my machine. It is an old Poser product so the metadata may not be perfect tho - try searching for her in "All Products".

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