How to load only products that I want when reinstalling daz

How to load only products that I want when reinstalling daz
I only use a small percentage of the stuff I have bought and rather than have the products I never use cluttering up the content library I would like to choose one by one only the ones that I use
is there a way to do this?
I do rememebr whenever I have reinsalled daz in the past that all of my products appear in content library so if there is a way to manipulate this that would be great
If you installed with DIM/Connect, you can just uninstall the things you don't want. If you installed manually, you could move the things you want to keep to a new runtime one by one, then delete the rest when you're confident that you've got everything you want.
if you don't want the greyed-out versions of products you have not isntalled in the product lists in Daz Studio then don't let it go online.
None of the isntalaltion methods will automatically install everything, so I am not really understanding the issue.
Ok so all will be instalkled automatically and if i dont want an item there i wll have to uninstall through DIM just as always correct?
Richard i just rmermeber that everything always gets installed, i did not have to downloiad anything form DIM aside from daz applaication and as Im saying once installed all my products have been installed along with it automatically as far as i can rememeber
oh I see it is all easy it will be a relief not having the library so cluttered!
Personally I always do manual install with different libraries for every project, so to install only what I need for a specific project. But I'm pretty sure DIM doesn't install all of your DAZ library unless you specify it, you have options to list the items, then download, then install. Unless they changed things it is a long time that I don't use DIM.
No, nothing will be isntalled automatically - if you don't turn the option off you will get a prompt to install the core DS (and Hexagon I think) applications and content but you can deselect all, set the option so it won't show again, and click Accept to get rid of it.