Looking for Advice on How to Finish My Front Door

As the title says, I'm looking for advice on how to finish the door I'm working on. I started with a door I found online and added a window to it. The more I try to fix the shading issues, the worse they get, and I still need a way to connect what I'm calling the "floating points" ('cause I don't know the technical term) in the arch portion of the window that aren't really connected to anything. I tried adding a bunch of loops to the top of the door and connecting to those, but the shading issue only got worse, and it looks pretty terrible when I import it into Daz. The images below are with Auto Smooth turned on. It doesn't look much better when I turn it off. Any advice would be greatly appreaciated.

The difference with the part you modified and the original model is you didn't add beveled edges, which are important to avoid shading issues and to better catch the light in PBR.
Thank you! I hadn't even thought of that! I'll give it a shot and see how it turns out.
I would start by cleaning up the geometry. Odds are you have more than a few doubles. Which are two vertices occupying the same space. When a face attaches to the wrong vertex (the one not actually attached to the model) you get issues like that. Select all the verts, merge by distance and set to an impossibly low number like 0.0000000000001. Then go through and make sure there are no extra faces. Then use the knife tool to go all the way around the model and fix your geometry as I illustrated. You need to get that thing out of N-Gon hell before you even worry about beveling edges.