leartes studios assets working in daz 3d? (Solved)

With them on sale on humble bundle i just thought I would ask, how difficult do you imagine it would be to import them into daz3d with texture and everything? Will it work in under five minutes or take an hour or more? (Has anyone here tried?)
Post edited by hejjj12 on
With texture and everything? Almost certainly not, as textures rarely survive format conversion. Any time I transfer something from one program to another, I do so fully expecting to have to rebuild the shaders myself. Looking at the description of one of the items, I'm not sure what format these are in, so if they're in a proprietary Unreal/Unity format instead of OBJ, I don't know if you'd be able to get them into DS at all. Even if they are OBJ, DS imports OBJ as a single mesh, so if you wanted to import a single building, you might have to export it individually from another program like Blender after separating it from the rest of its subscene, depending on how these are set up.
Okay, thank you. Was worried about that, then I will be skipping them.
I own 2 of their sets and have brought both into DAZ studio and it was a lot of work
.. and lost it all when my E drive diied, no inclination to do it again
getting all the textures out and adding cutout opacity maps alone is an hour of work
then loading them all
nothing instanced comes over either
Okay, damn sucks that the drive died. Thanks for telling me. Will definitely not be getting them then :D (Now, I just need to hurry to get a new backup drive instead)
they do look great in Unreal Engine though, so there is that
add DAZ characters with goom hair and Apex cloth and it renders animations way faster than DAZ
I see, that sounds good, but isn't it the same problem with the DAZ characters? I assume I can't just throw them in to Unreal without some form of hazel? (Like texture fixing, rigging or needing to equip all accessories like clothing, hair and weapon and poses first, then export and import?)
My issue is I just use daz3d to make some fun images in my free-time. So don't want it to be over-complicated or time consuming. That's why I like daz, easy to load and pose (except for the messy menus of course, but have gotten used to them).
Faster renders sound sweet though, but not if I need to work more to get it, since when they render I just do other things.
Render quality isn't as important either since I do that unpopular thing and boost my renders with AI., like the example below
I've had the Humble Bundle page open since this thread was started, and I just pulled the trigger on the bundle. I've been meaning to learn Unreal, and this is as good an opportunity as any.
What format are those provided as? And how does one get them into a format that DS could import?
I know nothing about Unity or Unreal I'm affraid, but the models look really good and the offer is cheap.
I'm afraid that I may have to buy that too... Looks too good to be true
I only just now concluded the labrious process of redeeming all the items, only downloaded one product at first to investigate. All the files are in UASSET format. As I've barely touched Unreal at this point, I have no idea how one would go about getting those assets into DS, or if it's even possible.
sign up to Unreal with and Epic account if you have one or create one
download a supported Unreal Engine build
create a new project
add the assets to the content directory unless a project is already supplied
I love their sets I have but not enough to buy the bundle and do all the work because I already know how much is involved
and honestly too poor or would just buy them for Unreal
open USD to Blender might be your best option to get to where you want to go
will be a lot of tedious work regardless