Looking for a shiny material/effect for pantyhose/stocking/gloves/body stockings

Hi, I am looking for a shiny material/effect that could work well with a thin garment, such as pantyhose/stockings/body stocking. Any suggestion please? I am struggling to find a material that is thin/semitransparent AND shiny. Thanks!!!
Would these do?https://www.renderosity.com/marketplace/products/119731/shader-plan-iray-sheers-and-pantyhoses
Anything for Genesis 8 or 9 please?
This might be more what you're looking for although I do think the Rendo product Leana linked would work. The UV maps are identical so I can't see why the materials wouldn't work on a G8 geoshell. Might be a bit of a faff if they're hierarchical materials but it's still doable.
If you're reasonably familiar with materials settings you will be able to alter the colours/shine/opacity as you wish but they do come with a couple of click-and-forget options. We've got a few MMX shaders including this one and they're very, very good.
The only snag with generic shaders is, well, they're very generic. How well these would work on gloves *and* stockings/nylons *and* bodysuits depends on the particular model or mesh you're using. I'd be tempted to look at specific items that match the look you need but if you want an all-in-one solution for anything you own I can't think of a better one.
However, do have a look at Lali's store page for a more focused set of products:
Shaders aren't specific to a specific figure or product, they can be applied to anything. Select the item in the Scene tab, select the surface in the surfaces tab, and apply the shader preset. In the past I've made a veil by taking an ordinary plane primitive, draping it over a figure with dforce, then applying a suitable shader.