Batch install with Content Wizard and any other suitable software

Hi, I bought Content Wizard by Riversoft Art, and although overall I think it is a great product, I am struggling with the batch install. I do own dozens of third party products and manual installation is painfully slow. In theory, batch install should be able to install several products at once AND create smart content for the library. However, I would say that the rate of success is very low (25%), even after taking simple precautions such as adding the individual zip files rather than the bundle file, etc. I am baffled by the fact that sometimes the batch installation works smoothly for no reason at all!!!!
Any help please? Alternatively, do you know any alternative product here on the shop that could seemlessly manage multiple installations and install the smart content as well?
For questions I would suggest using the commercial thread
Riversoft is usally active in all his threads.