Use secondary GPU for iRay

(couldn't see a "forum search" so sorry if this has been asked already)
I have a nVidia Quadro 2000 as a display card, with a GTX 970 as a second card. Can I configure iRay to use the 970 for rendering? I use this setup in Octane/Blender and it allows for a smooth display update, with fast rendering.
Short answer is yes...I can't look up how to, right now (the machine with Iray is in use), but it should be somewhere in the Render Settings that will let you choose which cards to use.
Thank mjc. In just the last 10 seconds I found a big post on GPU, happened to click the last page and see a screenshot which lead to the iRay Settings, ADVANCED tab. There I can turn CPU/GPU devices on/off! Excellent!
Under Render Settings > Advanced Tab:
Check the card you want to use for rendering; you may have to upgrade your drivers for it to appear.
Something like Hardware - Photoreal Devices should list your availabel optios: graphics cards, CPU.