Daz to Blender: Imported morph shows as low poly

When trying to import a model with a morph to blender, the morph itself becomes significantly less smooth when I apply it in blender as compared to Daz. It looks like how it shows before you apply the morph in Daz3D as you're moving the slider. Can anyone point me to a fix? Thanks in advance! I'm using a G8 model, if that helps.
In Daz Studio the figuers have SubD applied, "virtual" extra polygons added with a smoothing algorithm, based on the current shape of the base mesh (the SubD cage). Morphs work on the base mesh, not the additional details created by SubD, so what you are seeing in Blender is correct. Blender does have its own SubD modifier, which I believe you could apply to have a guide while working, but you must export the finished shape at the original base resolution so don't bake the modifier in Blender - test the workflow to be sure it is preerving the vertex count and order before getting involved with major adjustments.
right click shade smooth