Gallery Suggested Limit (in the day of Daz AI)

Now that Daz3D has created "DAZ AI STUDIO" I suggest we finally put a limit on how many images a single person can place in the gallery per day.
As an example, TODAY a user has already uploaded twelve AI images just this morning and were just over halfway done with the day. Yesterday it was ten images and that's just one person. With 25 slots per page, the Gallery can so easily be overrun by AI which Daz3D makes the least amount of money from and possibly even loses money with. My friend made 4,000 images in one day using AI since it's so easy which is what really got me thinking.
My suggestion would be to limit it to three images per day since one user can easily create 1,000+ images in one day pressing the generate AI button every few seconds.
- Storage space costs money
- Bandwidth usage costs money
- Losing users costs money (Why compete against AI?)
People would be forced to be more selective about which images are uploaded vs sending everything that is generated up.
Anybody with me? Against me?
Seems like a very sensible suggestion. I think most similar places have a restriction on a single user flooding the front page by uploading too much in one go.
Thanks SofaCitizen!
Let's impliment it!!
.... how though? :)
I would rather it be five a day, personally. Three is a bit too limiting. I believe Rendo has a five picture policy per day. I do agree that there should be a limit though, for sure!
Works for me and I am fine with 3 a day. There are a few users that just spam threads with AI and other images. I play with the DAZ AI a ton and it's easily filling up my HD so I can see users wanting to post everything they think it great looking, but since we can't control ourselves, best there is a limit.
As users we can't. Submit it to DAZ Customer Service as a suggestion.
I thought there already was a daily limit on how many images one can post to the gallery, regardless of the tools used. Personally, I keep to whatever the upload limit is, no matter if it involves AI or not. As long as I know what that limit is and it's the same for everybody -- though I understand Daz+ members might have extra benefits there too? -- I have no problem. All too easy to make a gazillion pictures these days, most of them even good. Gallery posting, to my way of thinking, should be reserved for our very best.
Also you might try sending the suggestion to DAZ_ann0314 , At one time she was kind of looking after the gallery and any problems with it.
Good idea. I'm with you. Although I gave up on this gallery when it went wonky way back. And since some policies don't survive administration changes (e.g., perpetual $1.99 PC+ items), I'm dubious about the duration of the claim not to use gallery images as source material. I can well imagine the prompt "in the style of junk."