Serveral instances of PostgreSQL Server and Windows Command Processor

Can anyone tell me why I have 7 instances of PostgreSQL Server running and the Windows Command Processor? I think this may be what's causing my Daz3d to crash if I leave it unattended too long. Memory usage goes up (when I stopped working on the scene last night, the memory usage was at about 12,000 MB. I sat down at my computer today and it's at almost 22,000 MB.
Any clues? Any and all help would be great.
I have a Geforce 3090 RTX vid card with 24GB of Ram , an AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-Core Processor and 128 GB of RAM running on a Windows 10 machine.
Thank you
7 instances or just 7 threads? When I launch Daz Studio it fires up 8 threads so I don't think that's unusual. Are you shure you do not have the HEAT plugin installed - that seems to be the common culprit for Daz coming to a halt after a period of time due to having a memory leak.
Thank you for the response. I did have heat installed. I uninstalled it and things went back to normal. Then it slowly started slowing down again. The remnants are probably in there somewhere.
Oh, sorry. From what I have heard uninstalling usually did the trick for people. Don't know of any other obvious cause of gradual slowdowns.
Wow! I found a piece of "Heat" sitting in a folder. Once I deleted it, everything is back to normal. That's a scary plug-in.