Any tutorial to learn how to export to Max 2022 in obj format and then import again to make morphs?

Any tutorial to learn how to export to Max 2022 in obj format and then import again to make morphs?
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Any tutorial to learn how to export to Max 2022 in obj format and then import again to make morphs?
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Creating the OBJ is the same as for any othr application, in 3D Studio make sure that you don't add or remove geoemtry and if necessary enable any options to preserve vertex order. Don't apply any scaling in Max. make sure you use the same setings preset in the Daz Studio Export and Morph Loader options.
Thanks for answering. I've been trying for several days doing all the possible combinations and I only get this result:
"Loading morph sssmporh...
Warning: Geometry did not match, failed to create morph."
I'm feeling very discouraged.
The possibilities are broadly that the mesh was still sub-divided (set resolution to base, if it isn't, before export), that it included additional parts (eyebrows or anatomical eleemnts on a human, buttons on a clothing item etc. - make sure you have the item you want seelcted in DS, and nothing else, then use the Selected only option in the exporter), that you used a tool thata dded geometry in max, or that there were other elements in the Max scene that were included in the OBJ export.