Updating old (G3) hair?

I have my eye on this hair:
but I'd be using it on a G9, and I'm going for photorealistic whereas the promos for this one look... painted, for lack of a better way to put it.
I've heard people mention that hair of that era can be updated, but I'm not sure if it's just some hair, if there are limits, how one does it...
For reference, all my other characters have OOT hair, and don't want this one to look out of place next to them. Also, I'm not interested in the beard, but I assume one can just not use that part.
Possible? Advice? I don't want to drop $$ on it if it's not likely to work.
Maybe they were speaking about products like the Colorwerk line by Sloshwerk or a recent one by @Mattymanx:
But I don't know how good the result would be on the hair and the beard you're speaking about.
Yeah, I do have the Colorwerks products (or a couple of them, anyway) and have used them to good effect on other hairs... but like you mentioned, I'm waffly on whether they would help that particular one enough or not.
I have become a huge fan of the Matty Manx Resource Saver shaders MMX Resource Saver Shaders Collection 2 for Iray for older hair models. Some older hair models I had just couldn't be made to work well with an older third-party hair shader I was using. But the MMX shaders look gorgeous, I think.
Thank you for this advice! I have wishlisted. :)