Custom Morphs Won’t Execute Gradually, Just Jump from 0 to 100% [Solved]

I made a series of 10 custom morphs that approximate the curvature of a poster wrapped around a pole. Each morph is for a pole of a slightly larger diameter pole than the previous one.
Then I made a master slider control to execute all the morphs one at a time as the slider moves from left to right, small pole to big pole.
Each morph is keyed to kick in at a place on the slider control and finish off a bit highter on the slider control. When the first morph is done, the second begins, and so on.
But the morphs don’t execute gradually the way I want them to. The first morph, for example, jumps from 0 to 100% as soon as the master slider control departs the 0%. At the position where the first morph stops and the second begins, the second morph jumps from 0 to 100%. And so on.
It is as if the keyed motion were set to “Constant” or something. But it isn’t. I set all the key motions to “Linear”. After noticing the problem, I then tried “TCB”. Same problem.
I don’t get it. I’ve done this sort of thing before with complex keyed motions under a single slider control and the morphs or translations work fine, linearly and all. But this problem I’ve now got I don’t understand.

Nevermind. I found and fixed the problem.
In key parameter values, wherever I had specified that the morph be at 100%, I had to change the "100" to "1".
All better now. The pole-hugging poster woks.