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Having been here at Daz3d since its inception and having dealt with technical support here, I can vouch for how hard working and hammered they are. Many of the problems are due to issues on the customer's side and each configuration of each computer is unique. If you visit the forum, you might be surprised how often people don't read ads or instructions. We all are in a long queue mixed with these people.
Will anything ever be done about the unanswered help requests? Are they ignoring your inquiry about this, too, Richard?
Sorry, I haven't heard anything yet - I will try chasing next week (assuming I manage to remember)
@barbult one of my never addressed reports had an update to the product today in DIM. When I opened D|S and tested it, it behaved as correctly. This was #447330 from Nov 21 2023.
Not sure if they will acknowledge I reported it or close it, but the product is fixed now. So that is one down.
It will be interesting to see if they respond to your ticket now.
Did you remember? Did you get any response?
I thought I had, but checking just now I can't see it as sent so that may have been a case of going from "I am going to send a fdollow up when I finish this." to "I sent a follow up when I finished that" without actually doing the middle bit. This time I have actually sent a follow up before making the post. Sorry for missing it before.
That's OK. You are a busy guy. We'll see if they answer you this time.
Well, I did get an answer - though it isn't possible for them to be very precise. But they are working through tickets, and the old ones have not been forgotten in the process. However, they cannot give any kind of ETA for response/resolution. Sorry I can't give you anything more concrete..
I'm not sure why they can't give a precise answer, since we all went to the effort to document specific ticket numbers. It sounds more like they just didn't want to bother. So we still don't know whether those tickets are in the queue or lost. I really believe that we cannot count on receiving any technical support from Daz any more. It is at best a roll of the dice.
Well, you did what you could, Richard. Thank you for working on our behalf.
Richard, you and the other forum moderators are a hidden strength behind DAZ. I appreciate yours and everyones efforts to help us throughout the day and week.
Oh, it's not just me, good. Recently CS came back to me about a ticket I filed with steps to reproduce and a video in August 2023 and actually asked if I can upload a video and if the issue still persists.
I got a similar CS response about whether I could still reproduce the problem that I reported with a detailed list of steps to reproduce the problem. Isn't that their job, to follow the steps we provided and see if THEY can reproduce the problem on their system, so it isn't just us? If they didn't take months to a year to respond in the first place, we wouldn't be a dozen versions past the version we first reported the problem on. Why do they ask us to list steps to reproduce the problem, if they aren't even going to try?
When was the last time you got any real technical support from the Daz ticket system, with a real fix to a problem, and a product update to fix the problem you reported?
The reason why CS asks if the issue can still be reproduced, is because Daz Studio most likely had an update or 2 since the original bug report was filed (especially Public Beta releases). They can't due to time constraints, check each time when there is a new release which may have fixed the issue. There have been cases where you have reported issues, which have been fixed a few versions later.
I had three different tickets which received this response within 12 hours of initially opening the ticket last month, so there's something else going on in addition to this.
To me, this seems to be their "cut and paste" response to push all the work back onto the customer. It feels like they just want to make it so hard for us to get help, that we will give up and go away. I fear that even if I spend all my time to retest and respond, it will probably be months before they look at it again. I will probably get the same response from them again. Eventually it will go to the bug tracker, where it well never be heard from again. Then they will close the ticket and mark it solved after a couple years, without doing anything at all to fix it. That pretty much describes my CS experience lately.
CS has really alienated me and soured me on Daz 3D, the company. I continue to like Daz Studio and appreciate the developer efforts to update it, and the PAs that create interesting products. I hate the terribly complex store sales with offers that don't work until hours later and ads with typos, ambiguity, and misinformation. Now the influx of Renderosity items with poor promo images, no readme file, unreliable required items lists, and no metadata has started to really sour me on the whole Daz store experience. All these store issues compound the customer service problems, because they increase the volume of tickets that would not be necessary if Daz prepared and tested products thoroughly before putting them in the store. Quality is way down in my personal purchasing experience.
I'm in a bitchy mode today, because of all of these compounding problems that just keep growing. Can you tell?
I think the point is that there is a backlog of tickets, so they need to make sure they are still issues (and the reporter is still active) in order to concentrate their efforts where they will be of most benefit to the end users.
I appreciate this to an extent, but the last ticket I had ask me to re-check the issue then quickly went dead again*, so I do wonder if it's just going to be that I'm going to be asked to recheck it every six months.
* Specifically, I reported that an environment in a core character bundle had a high enough VRAM requirement that it wouldn't render on a 12 GB GPU, which would put it outside what many users can render.
11 months later, I got my first response, asking me to recheck it - I did, and reported back in detail (I'd since swapped to a 16 GB GPU, which wasn't enough either).
Now, I did quickly get back a new response asking me to disable my secondary GPU and test again; unfortunately, my response that it already was (including citing lines in my log file that confirmed that) has now been languishing for some time.
In any case, as far as this bug, I did mention it somewhere and I think you did suggest that I come and post it here. (Although that was some weeks ago).
Honestly, it's got me really quite thrown. Both that shaders can load differently depending on whether they were part of the scene load or not, but also the thoroughly weird behaviour that the parameters change based on the scene frame.
That isn't a bug, nor is it an issue in DS (which is what this thread is about). Not that I would argue against updating the product with more sensibly sized textures, but it is a design decision.
Well, as I said above I think the asking if it is still an issue is trying to not have them age out. But I do not have any great amount of inside information with which to adress your concerns beyond that.
Thank you for responding. I understand that you are not responsible for creating, justifying, or fixing this whole CS problem. We users appreciate you more than you can know.
Sorry for the mess, we split a post that shouldn't have been split, then merged the whole thread back instead of just the post, and then split this thread out again. Please check that all appendages are correctly attached and oriented. Thank you.
In this case, I was contributing it to the discussion of customer support.
The issue itself may not be a bug, but I think that being unable to render a product from a core bundle on a 16GB GPU (with a 4GB secondary that's configured to handle all of DS's OpenGL usage to free up as much VRAM on the main card for Iray as possible) is a valid criticism of the product. I know I haven't got the very best system out there, but for something in a core bundle, it seems likely that a large portion of buyers cannot actually render this on ther GPUs.
But the problem I was bringing up is the CS response. Aside from being extremely slow in the first place, all it did was query whether I was still having the issue, then suggested changing a setting to what it already was before going dead again. That's just frustrating.
At this point, I'd almost prefer a blunt answer that they don't intend to fix the product, because at least then I'd know that if I fix it myself it's not going to be rendered moot by an official update.