how to make pressure on clothes ?

Hello everyone
Do you know how to make pressure on clothes like in the picture below?
I read on this forum that you have to do a HD morphs but and that it's not accessible to everyone.
But what's the difference between a normal morph and an HD morph?

1000 x 1300 - 410K
Post edited by food.plus13 on
An HD morph, is a morph that morphs a subdivided mesh, and only Daz PAs can create HD morphs.
And in order to do clothing pressure, you need a HD morph, as the base mesh is not dense enough to make a proper looking dent.
Displacement is an option, but that will not show until render time and is less controllable than a morph. Many modelling applications will let you make a height map (for displacement) from a modified shape.
Ok thanks, who's Daz PAs?
If I want to try it with the basic mesh to see how it works, how I could sculpt the swimsuit hollow without knowing where the swimsuit is exactly... What's the trick?
Thank you, what do you mean by displacement? What do I have to do? Do you know a tuto?
Making a displacement is tricky.
You would have to model it based on a subdivided mesh, and then bake is to a height map referencing the base mesh.
Here is a video introducing displacement - you can search for others.
Thank you very much, and if i want to try it with the basic mesh to see how it works, how I could sculpt the swimsuit hollow without knowing where the swimsuit is exactly... What's the trick?
I did something like that, and you do not necessary need HD-Morphs or displacement maps for it.
My method is not super accurat, but it works.
If you have e.g. panty lines, load your character and your panties into Zbrush or Blender (don't know anything about Blender).
In Zbrush transparancy mode have your character selected and shape those pressure effect into your characters surface right underneath that panty line.
If both don't perfectly aline move the Panties in shape as well.
On GoZ give both Items the same morph name and set them in the exact place in each figures parameter list.
Make sure to save both morph assets.
Your Panties should follow your pressure morphs now. Don't worry, if you cannot see this morph on the Panties, it is hidden.
You need to check "show hidden parameters" in your Parameters burger menue.
Thanks, I'll give it a try.
I have 2 small questions:
1/ In Zbrush transparency mode, when I select my character and draw the pressure effect below the panty line, normally it's the panty that's selected and not the character... right? am I wrong?
2/ I don't know much about Zbrush, do you have a screenshot showing how to place the character and the panty in the same place in the list of parameters for each character?
In zbrush, your brush stroke affects the selected item. Make sure G8f is selected.
When you have the panties conformed (and parented) to your character in DS and send the character over to zbrush, your character and the conformed items should be there in zbrush at the right place.
Thanks, I'll give it a try... but my question 2 was when you say: “On GoZ give both Items the same morph name and set them in the exact place in each figures parameter list” Is it possible to have a screenshot because I can't see at all? Thanks
In the photo, why are you using the Inflate brush? Shouldn't you be digging under the edge of the panties?
I will come back to this later. Until then, I recommand this video for helping a bit with zbrush.
Adjusting Clothing with ZBrush - Daz Masterclass #38 - YouTube
Ok thanks
The GoZ morphs go to Parameter tab > _Morphs_ > _zbrush_ > ZBrush Morph