I need HELP lighting my Match - Cutout Opacity Issues

I'm trying to turn ON/OFF my match with cutout opacity but I get these weird borders with specularity. I've tried with cutout opacity and a full black image, cutout opacity set to 0 with no image and black image, but no luck. There is still a invisible border like the invisble Predator from the Predator movie hinting that somethings there even though it's supposed to be hidden.
Am I doing this wrong - is there another method I can use to turn on/off my matchstick?
Ok I kind of solved it if anyone else is curious. My ground plane was at exactly 0.0 Y offset from world origin. If you set your ground plane to be slightly above the origin, say at 0.01 Y offset, the issue goes away! Something that I didn't pay attention to in hindsight is that the problem never occurred above the horizon line!