How to uninstall the old stuff?

Since Genesis start it was great... but the arrived Genesis 2... and WOW! Now we have Genesis 3!!! The problem is that the My Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/ is more than 10 GB. So the drive C: is almost full.
I would like to uninstall the oldies (Michael 3 base, Victoria 3, Genesis, What is the best way to do this?
Thanks for the great stuff you has created.
How were they originally installed?
Based on a few things (your join date, number of posts, and the size of your studio folder) I'm guessing you used DIM for your installs. If so you're lucky:
With DIM you can go to the Installed Tab (It's the one with that HUGE number next to it) and pick the items you want to uninstall. Either right click on the items on at a time and select "Delete [product]", or click the little arrow at the far right and pick the same option.
Multiple items can be selected using the check boxes on the left and then clicking Start Queue at the bottom.
Pre-DIM items that were installed using Daz Installers may have left behind uninstallers. You'll have to run each one seperately, as far as I know.
Items that came as Zip files or in folders that you copied to your My Library/Runtime folder will have to be deleted manually, file-by-file. Don't know if that's realistically possible. This can also be done for items installed with Pre-DIM Daz Installers.
If you have a lot of items that you want to get rid of, you might be better off nuking your library and restarting it. There are several threads on the board about how best to do it. Just make sure to keep any files you want to keep.
But remember, a lot of the props, clothing, hair, etc - really everything except characters and Geographed items - can be used on G3M, with autofit and some work.
why not to move all in another HD ?
in start my lybrary was on C:
i just copy all to another "Terabyte" HD and next i delete all install to C:
only the main program Daz3d 64bit is on C:
in users/doc library exist but they are almost empty.
i have multiples library's,,
X_Library, is the main library where characters and most of data are installed
X_Hair ,for hair
X_Clothes for clothes
X_Shoes, for shoes and so,,
X_Houses for houses, room, dungeons, streets, autos,
X_xxx for any object, like weapons, mask, wips, glasses
when you got "many" library, is more easy to backup or move
to remove uninstall older product
- this is in case you have the original instaler,
1 re install it with the option, "create installer"
2 once installed, just use the uninstall,,