april 30th at ten pm pst where are my april coupons.

in The Commons
just logged in to use the april coupons
and they're not there
Did I use them?
Don't think so and there's nothing on the orders to indicate they were used.
Do they just disappear when Daz closes on the last day of the month?
thanks I';ll try that
didn't work ... codes not valid... I think I remember when the codes would show when they were used and since it's still april they should still be there.
What tmezone are you in (OPPS, is in the title)? I think I remember from an old post that coupons use UTC 0 for switch. It should be MT imo, but waiting to spend in the last hour has lead to a bad experience for others on the forum.
Edit: can't type on tablet...
Ah-ha, the old Time-Zone trick.
The should have been valid to 11pm PST (UTC-8) as DAZ works in the UTC-7 time zone.
Hmm. Probably worth using before 10pm at the end of the month as who knows what the time is inside computers.
thanks... yes .. haven't been often caught with the time change it the past I do check that... it was 10 pst so it should have been only 11 daz time.
And even if I had used the coupons they should have been showing as used on such and such a date.
Yes, basically if it's not midnight in Dazland then I expect my coupons to be there to see.
But it shouldn't lead to bad results... the computer knows what time it is. and I know from experience all deals did at 11:59 and 59 seconds in the cart no matter whether the webpages still show the deals on.
So the rest of the stuff should change at the same time also. the computers can actually slice it a lot closer than a second.
Certainly the net can be slow displaying changes .... but showing changes that haven't happened yet is time traveling and I don''t think that happens yet.
The issue has come up a number of times before here in the forums, teaching us not to leave actions to the last minute.
Midnight at UTC does seem to be a turning point for not just the coupons.
Anyway, nobody of us fellow users can do anything about it, but say "It is what it is..."
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