Benefits of a GPU Upgrade

I'm considering upgrading my 2070 Super (8GB) to a 4070 with 16GB. It looks like my motherboard and power supply can handle it, but I have one question.
I know that an increase in VRAM will allow me to render bigger scenes, but will it at all increase the speed of the the renders I'm already able to do?
Yes, there'll be a leap in terms of the rendering speed from 2070 to 4070. You may find some benchmarking info. shown in this thread -
Looking at the topic linked by @crosswind, a 2070 Super can achieve 5.7 iterations per second rendering the benchmark scene. A 4070 Ti Super does 18.2 iterations per second with the same scene, so you can expect scenes fitting in 8GB to render ~3 time faster with the new GPU.
Okay. Thank you! That's what I was thinking/hoping, but it's good to hear it from others.