Gen X plugins not working

in The Commons
I purchased all of the Gen X plugins. They show up in "About installed plugins" but in the "window panes" only Gen X shows up and the Gen X menu is not working.
(see attached file) It be loading an older menu.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Cheerio lululee
GenX AddOn Gen3 for V3 and M3
GenX AddOn Gen3 for A3 and H3
GenX AddOn Gen3 for S3 D3 and F3
GenX2 AddOn for Genesis 2
GenX2 AddOn for Genesis 3

951 x 1080 - 122K

450 x 600 - 46K
That's weird. Not sure what's causing it. I'd go in DIM and search up X2 in installed products. Then I'd uninstall and reinstall, just in case something got corrupted or lost.
I've uninstalled and reinstalled. Nothing changes. I'm wondering if it's installing the first version. I'm wondering if the "Genesis Generation X" is conflicting with "Genesis Generation X (Upgrade from Gen4)."
Here's a better list of all I have installed.
Genesis Generation X
Genesis Generation X (Upgrade from Gen4)
Genesis Generation X2
Genesis Starter Essentials
Genesis Starter Kit
GenX AddOn Gen3 Bundle
GenX AddOn Gen3 for V3 and M3
GenX AddOn Gen3 for A3 and H3
GenX AddOn Gen3 for S3 D3 and F3
GenX2 AddOn for Genesis 2
GenX2 AddOn for Genesis 3
That's a possibility! I only have the newer X2 version with G2 and G3 add-ons. Starter Essentials is core content - You probably still want that.Genesis Starter Kit is a tutorial: . I would see what happens by uninstalling all the Gen X stuff. Maybe X2 would work. And then you could reverse it to see if Gen X works without X2. Sorry I don't have a better answer. If nothing works, it might be wise to put in a ticket. Maybe someone at Daz can help.
I think DIM installed the files to the wrong folder.
It says I should intall
C:/Daz 3D/Applications/64-bit/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4/plugins/d3dGenX2.dll
Dim installed to C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\Studio4
I moved everything to the C:/Daz 3D/Applications/64-bit/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4/plugins/d3dGenX2.dll
Unfortunately, there is no d3dGenX2.dll in the folder.
I can't manually install because it is a single app installer. What should I do now?
I don't think manually moving files will help. My main Daz install is at C:/Program Files/DAZ3D/DAZStudio4 . My d3dGenX2.dll installed to C:/Program Files/DAZ3D/DAZStudio4/plugins. The installer installed a lot of files to C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\Studio4\GenX2 as well, where "User" is my account name on my computer. I would search for the d3dGenX2.dll . It's got to be somewhere!
I might be wrong, but I'm almost certain GenX 2 was a 'replacement' for the older Gen X products (GenX and Gen 4 upgrade). Pretty sure the creator specified not to have them both installed, only GenX 2 and the add-ons. I'm not home right now, otherwise I would look up to make certain.
EDIT: And GenX 2 should have some things in app data as Torquinox stated. I know there are some files installed there on my PC.
HI ZippyGuitar,
Thanks so much, I think you are correct.
I hope I can find a way to delete those XGen files so it will work.
I hope everything works out for you , lululee
I've spent 3 days trying to get this to work to no avail.
I'm not going to waste any more time on it as my client is getting annoyed.
I found another way to transfer the files so I'll use a different workflow.
I do appreciate everyone's help. In the meantime I'll have gratitude for Dimension3d and all the wonderful products
he produced for us. He is sorely missed.
Cheerio lululee
Are you trying to use it with the Studio Public Beta version? It will only work with the General Release, out of the box.
Yes, you must uninstall the older version of Generation X. Make sure Studio is shut down when installing the plugin. Is your serial number still valid?
GenX2 does work with the beta, as long as the plugin and add-ons have been installed for the beta too. If you had them installed for the general release before installing the beta you may need to reinstall them to make sure they're installed for both.
@leana Is that just a matter of copying files to the correct folders or what?
You can try just copying the files, worst case is that it doesn't work. I'm sure someone has tried...
I customized the package to install for both General release and Public beta so that I could install and uninstall easily (using other plugins that do install for both as an example). I do not like copying files back and forth, it is easy to miss something, and there is the chance it might not work properly, especially dealing with plugins. The files are not simply copied into the appropriate folders, some special commands are executed in the manifest. I don't know if that is required at every runtime, during installation, or just once later.
However, customizing all the Add-ons would have been too much fuss, so I just copied the data folder (AppData/Roaming/DAZ 3D/Studio4/Genx2 to ../Studio4 Public Build). This is the only plugin I have that installs data to the /AppData/Roaming/DAZ 3D/ Studio folder(s), other than the built-in stuff.
Thanks @NorthOf45 .I appreciate the info. At this point, I can just do my conversions in the general release. It's what I've been doing and it's been fine.
I finally got it working.
Just in case anyone else could use this info: Number 1 "DO NOT INSTALL Gen-x Only install Gen-X 2."
My problem was I installed GenX when I should only have installed GenX-2 and it's addons.
Here is my workflow.
-use the uninstaller from GenX to uninstall it (I couldn't get it to work unless I used the actual GenX uninstaller
_then used the individual Gen x 2 to uninstall all of the Gen x 2 and Gen x 2 addons.
- removed all files and folders manually from AppData/Roaming/DAZ 3D/Studio4/Genx2 to ../Studio4 Public Build), and
C:/Daz 3D/Applications/64-bit/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4
C:/Daz 3D/Applications/64-bit/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4/plugins/
Very important because not every file is removed with the uninstall
-Restart the computer, (Important)
Make sure Daz is NOT running
I went to DIM and found some of the Gen x 2 and Gen x 2 addons still showed up so I uninstalled everything Gen x or Genx 2 and imediately re installed all of the Genx-2 and the Genx 2 addons. ( I went to my account/product page and copied and pasted the actual product names into DM, uninstalled then reinstalled).
Restarted the computer
Opened DS and all showed up and worked perfectly.
My serial number was fine, however make sure you go to "Help- menu /About plugins to make sure it is installed. If you need your serial number, go to your account page locate your serial number.
Hope this helps any other pilgrims on this mission of getting Gen-X-2 installed and operating.
Many thanks to all of you who took your valuable time to help me with this.
That's outstanding. Glad to hear and thanks for sharing @lululee1
Glad you got it to work.
And yes, it's better and safer not have DS running when installing a plugin.
What year is this thread from? I thought GEN X didn't work anymore (for the last few versions of DAZ Studio).
Gen x2 still works.