Stuck on RSL, should be MDL {was: Lu Hair for G8and8.1F question / FIXED but not sure how :/}

Lu Hair for Genesis 8 and 8.1 Females question ...
I've never used this hair before, so I'm not sure what I'm missing, but the promos and gallery images have a much softer, more realistic look. What am I missing?
One or all of the below fixed the problem.
Post edited by WillowRaven on
Than what?
Sorry, I thought I attached it ...
It may be the shader. I've attached a quick test render using the Lu Hair medium brown material and also a render using one of Matty Manx's Resource Saver hair shaders.
1st: Lu Hair supplied medium brown material
2nd: MMX Resource Saver Shader - I used one of the Scalp and Fibermesh shaders.
I'll grab that shader, thanks. I like the tone better than what comes with Lu.
Even so, your render looks much better than mine. What lights and render settings do you use? I tried a few different light sets and the hair looks like it's carved plastic rather than soft hair strands.
You are using 3DL materials and rendering Iray
I looked at the Lu Hair product and it seemed that it only came with Iray shaders. Perhaps I missed the 3DL shaders. That might explain why WillowRaven's render looks the way it does.
For lighting, I often use an emissive plane for a key light, or an emissive plane buried inside an enclosure to make a grid softbox. I use the box primitive with dividers from the set: Everyday Morphing Primitives and put an emissive plane at the very back of the box, using the grid to keep the light soft, but directional -- no spill all over the place.
I often use a regular DAZ point spotlight way off to the side and behind the subject for an edge light, though I didn't do much setup with these quick renders. Render settings are tweaked a little for each setup: but typically Tonemapping 0.2 for burn highlights, 0.2 for black crush, Saturation 0.85 and I occasionally a bit of bloom if want to soften things up. Vignetting ranges from 11 for high-key scenes to 51 or so for low-key scenes.
I usually set render convergence to 99%, Max Samples to 80,000 and Max Time to 80,000. Optimization: Max Path Length to 24. Filtering: Firefly filter ON, but Post Denoiser OFF. Pixel filter: box, Pixel Filter Radius: 0.35. I read somewhere a while back that the only Pixel Filter variants that were actually implemented were "box" and "Mitchell". I chose "box" and have kept that my standard for a long time.
The 3DL materials can be seen in the screenshot
Thanks. More complicated than I like, though. I like things, including lights, to work as expected out of the box... Weird like that, lol.
What would cause that when the only mat applied came with the product?
I'm having the same problem no matter what shader I apply.
I have now tried three different iray-only hair sets with 'wispy' hair that still has RSL in the surfaces tab, whether I use the provided MATs or iray hair shaders. This didn't used to be a problem. I'm not sure how it happened and don't know how to fix it.
New attachment shows Xue hair. I moved render tab to see more at once. Who would have thought three screens would still make it hard to see everything at once?
Have you updated the Default Resources?
I don't know how many hours I spent in the Surfaces tab but until I saw your screenshot, I never saw the information about which shader was applied to a surface
Thank you
I haven't updated in a while, but not sure why one day everything renders fine and another everything says 'iray' but the surfaces tab. But it's worth a try. Thanks.
Lol ... another instance of my bumbling helping others, lol.
I saw something in another thread about a scene suddenly not rendering in iray. Could this be related?
I have downloaded and reinstalled the resources and scene builder file. I even went so far as selecting everything in my default scene and running rssy's 3dl-iray converter just in case. Every primitive and Lu hair still shows 'Daz Studio Default (RSL) as the shader in the surfaces tab. How is that possible?
What does your log say (Help->Troubleshooting->View Log File)?
Attach the log to your post and we can have a look.
One of these days I'm gonna learn how to read these things ... Did a fresh render after clearing out old logs.
That part of the log doesn't tell anything, give us one that starts at "+++++++++++++++ DAZ Studio 4.xx.xx.xx starting +++++++++++++++++"
That was the render log. I'll redo it after closing the file and open the file again then render again, I guess.
Awkward pause ...
OK, here is the new log file after saving the last file under the new subset and location, then, opening the file again, then rendering. All I see obvious in the log is a lot of morphs missing, which is weird since I didn't know this character accessed that many, but I am reorganizing my content library, so a lot of stuff just may need reinstalling with all of the shuffling around, but those are not for her hair, which is where my problem is. Or why I am using iray-only products with iray-only materials, with iray (MDL) RENDER SETTINGS AND VIEWPORT, and iray progress bar window, but the surfaces tab shows SHADER: DAZ Studio Default (RSL) no matter what I select in the scene, what hair I use, what lights I try, what hair shader I try.
Clear the log, close DS, start DS again, open the file, render and then post the log.
That will have the necessary information if it's there.
What does NOT INITIALIZED mean? I am seeing a crap-load of warnings in the log. Do I just need to completely uninstall and reinstall DS to fix this?
Most of the "Not Initialized" means nothing, it just means your software/hardware environment doesn't require those to be initialized.
Had a quick look through the log, and these jumped out;
16GB's of RAM, out of which 4.4GB's available... (what's going on?, who's using your quite limited RAM?)
Nested directory encountered while adding a content folder: E:/3D Stuff (Daz)/zz (Serious, must be fixed, could have an effect)
2024-05-01 22:54:26.130 [WARNING] :: \src\sdksource\general\dzcorefactories.cpp(892): Duplicate GUID (Countless of lines, possibly the culprit)
2024-05-01 22:54:33.352 [WARNING] :: QFile::flush: No file engine. Is IODevice open? (hello, what's this?)
2024-05-01 22:58:42.894 [INFO] :: Property type mismatch in DzChannelDefinition::setupChannel() (Hmm... Maybe)
Are you using Iray preview? (you should not with a 6GB GPU)
Have you tried starting a completely new scene that has nothing to do with this scene, adding an item (that has nothing to do with items in this scene) and checking if you can get Iray materials for any item?
Good Morning!
Couple of things to note from your renders and screencaps.
1. Lu and Xue hairs both load and only come with Iray Materials (MDL)
2. The hairs in your renders/screencaps appear to have had the Opacity/Transparency maps stripped off of them in addition to the shader being flipped to 3Delight (RSL) this is why you are not getting the soft effect you see in the promo images and artwork.
Things to check:
1. Have you redownloaded both hairs and re-installed them recently? The files I just downloaded this morning are working properly and loading the Iray mats
2. Have you updated the Daz Studio Default Resources they were updated a while ago to add in the Omnishader for Iray and I believe other things may have changed as well.
You can download them either from your account or via DIM:
For your account they are listed under "Daz Studio 4.x Pro" as "DefaultResourcesForDAZStudio422"
Via DIM just type "Default" in the search bar
I have no idea ... But I always have a million things going at once. But that's never been an issue before, so not sure why it would be now.
The zz directory contains only non-daz items or converted stuff. It should have nothing to do with this scene or why iray items are loading as RSL. Should it?
But what does it mean? How would I fix it?
I don't know, lol.
What does it mean?
I always do, lol.
Yes. Even the default scene does it. It's like it's stuck on RSL no matter what I apply or my render settings.
I know :) And my render settings are iray, but somehow my surface settings are stuck on DAZ Studio Default RSL
How do I remedy the settings? What are they supposed to be?
I'll give that a try. It didn't occur to me because everything is doing it, even primitives and figures.
I did. But maybe my custom filing is the problem. But it never was before :(
If your Iray is working properly then you should be seeing all of the "Iray Uber (MDL)" as the Shader being used in the surfaces Editor Tab. If not then you will need to reinstall the Default Resources. IIRC there was an update for Iray a while ago that corrected an issue that a previous Nvidia update broke.
After you reinstall the Default Resources if the mats are not loading properly still then try manually switching htem to Iray from the 3Delight:
If even the primitives are loading in as 3Delight instead of Iray then yea you definitely need to reinstall as those load Iray by default as well. Knowing this I would actually suggest doing a full uninstall/reinstall of the base DS and Default Resources. It will not mess up your Libraries.
As for having multiple Libraries I do the same myself I currently have 32 of them set up for different things so that I can load only what I need/want for what I'm working on instead of the entire catalog of products ;) For the naming it's better to keep it alpha-numeric to the standard keyboard stuff so I don't see anything wrong in the naming your using but on occassion ( and ) can cause issues with the data folder calls. I've attached a screencap of my Libraries folder so you can see how I have it set up as an example of a way it can be done (ignore the blank spots those are my PA specific folders lol).
Having multiple Content Libraries is ok (to a point), but having a library inside an other library (nested libraries) can confuse DS and cause miscellaneous problems because DS cannot find the correct data-files where it's looking for them.
Thanks, y'all. :) I shall do a full re-install. Now that you mention Nvidia update issues, every time Windows, Alienware, or Nvidia updates, I inevitably have to switch back to the latest 'studio' drivers from the 'game-ready' drivers they keep plopping in there. One of those has possibly changed my defaults. I shall try all of that and report back.
Oh ... and the two files I never move are the main runtime and data folders. And I only use my poser directory nowadays when converting stuff to daz. I still have soooo much to convert.
Not sure all that effort did anything. I loaded a completely clean scene and the surfaces tab still shows RSL even after I applied the Iray uber base to every single item in the scene. I've reinstalled everything. I've updated all drivers and made sure Nvidia was on studio settings. I even tried using 3DL to Iray converters. No matter what I do, that surface tab setting doesn't change.
Since it seems that part of the problem is a nested assets library, I would recommend putting assets you got from non-DAZ stores on a completely different drive or root directory structure.
Then, in DAZ Studio, you can add this other library content to the list of places to be searched for items
In Edit -> Preferences -> Content -> Content Directory Manager you can add this new, separate tree to the "DAZ Studio Formats" directory list.
My list looks like this:
L:\My Library
D:\DAZ 3D\DAZ Libraries\My Daz 3D Library
This way, if a product installed from a 3rd party site breaks things, you can easily troubleshoot by temporarily renaming ( or dismounting ) this extra directory structure, so that DAZ Studio won't find it.
But how does that prevent me from forcing Daz to recognize ANY iray texture or surface or shader? How do I make it recognize and render in iray again?