XYZ Yu Hair simulation error

I put XYZ Yu Hair on Victoria 9. When i run simulation, I get:
> Error preparing objects to simulate and collide.
The log file has only:
> [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\src\dzdynamicsengine.cpp(2691): ERROR: clCreateBuffer (-61)
Daz version:
Steps to reproduce:
* Load Vic9 into a new scene.
* load XYZ Yu Hair
* Simulate
Any ideas?
What hardware is running the OpenCL (Advanced tab of Simualtion Settings)? Which driver version?
Thanks for your reply;
4.6.0 NVIDIA 546.33
GeForce RTX 3060
Hmm, I have that driver and get the same error, so it may be that - but it isn't a terribly new driver. Please report the issue as a possible bug.