Daz froze my machine, now it doesn't know who I am

Daz doesn't know who I am, that is. I had to hard restart the machine after it locked up tighter than a drum. Daz and my email were the only things open, and it froze while I was adjusting a pose in G9.
OK, when the machine fired back up it had to do a disk check and repair. Alarming. After finishing booting up, everything seemed ok with the machine. I started daz and got that wonderful popup screen saying "Let's customize your copy of Daz Studio!". Uh oh. Dismissed the screen and took a good look. Layout gone. Not available under Saved Layouts. Custom actions gone. Hit F3 and expanded the "Custom" section on the left. Dreamlight, that's it. Nothing else. Layouts gone (ever see The Hulk turn green? Yep.) By the way, I don't want to forget to mention that my layouts are gone. Did I mention that? I should, because it's important to me.
I went to the Connect menu and said "Work Offline", then reconnected from the Connect menu. That was all saved and OK, logged me in with no problem. Still no custom actions under the Scripts menu.
Did I mention that my layouts are all still gone? Gee, sorry. My layouts are all gone.
How do I recover this stuff? I've checked google, I've searched here, and believe me this isn't covered. Now, using F3 to drag your custom actions over to the menu section on the right is covered, but as I said, there is nothing over there under "Custom" except Dreamlight.
My layouts are all gone too. That's important to me.
So, please, anyone who happens to know what to take a look at, where the raw files might be that save this stuff, anything like that, I'd appreciate your help.
Thanks in advance!
PS: before anyone asks, Windows 11 (the barfbag release - which is all Windows 11). :D
I've been rebuilding my layouts, which is you know... fine. But I noticed something terribly strange. There is no "File --> Open Recent". Not even under F3. [---]
That sounds as if there was a disc or driver issue - Daz studio alone won't be able to freeze your system. It also sounds as if the AppData folder was damaged, since that is where the layouts and so on are saved. Do you have back-ups?
Yes, the File>Recent sub-menu is now part of the new New scene dialogue, but you can get a menu back using http://docs.daz3d.com/doku.php/public/software/dazstudio/4/referenceguide/scripting/api_reference/samples/actions/action_menu_submenu/start