ManFriday's Render Queue 3 - Setting Render Limits (NOT AS SOLVED AS I THOUGHT)

I'm still quite new to using ManFriday's Render Queue 3. Is there a way to set a maximum render percentage limit for a scene? I like to render pretty high for final drafts, with a landscape aspect ratio of 4800 x 2967, for example. With the series I'm working on currently, not especially complex, a single scene can easily take up to 12 hours to process! (I know, I know, but that's a whole different set of problems.)
What I've established, however, by screenshotting the render window at different stages to create a comparison scale, is that most of these scenes reach a perfectly acceptable resolution level at between 20% to 40%.
But right now, Render Queue wants to take it all the way to the death. It goes well beyond my progressive render maximum setting of 28,800 seconds. (Max and Min Samples left at default setting.) It would be ideal if I could pre-set a lmit of, say, 30% in this case. Obviously, if I'm present, I can just cancel a render at that moment, but that's the whole idea of Render Queue - it should all be able to chug along without you.
Going through the product pdf. manual, there's a section on 'Pre-render Asset Loading' but the answer doesn't jump out at me from there.
Any thoughts, folks?
Right. I can't read. I missed the flaming obvious in the manual. In the 'overide render size' box, next to 'width' and 'height' settings there's a percentage box. Completely missed it. D'oh. I'm an idiot.
That percentage box is just an alternate way to change the dimensions of the rendered image. It does not change the Rendering Converged Ratio.
Yes.... well I know that NOW...
My idiocy continues! So - does anyone have any ideas on curtailing automated rendering times? (I feel like Doc Brown, returning from a failed experiment, singed, sooty and smoke rising, lol)
Were you able to figure this out? Also trying to do the same thing.