DAZ 4.5 3Delight renders fuzzy!

Hello everyone!
I just upgraded DAZ to 4.5 and now all of my renderings are fuzzy! This is when I render with 3Delight, not the preview rendering. And it isn't camera depth of field as this happens when I'm just rendering the perspective view also.
I've noticed a few other issues, such as with 4.5 "destroying" previously created scenes as have been noted in other postings.
Anyone know what to do about the 3Delight rendering issue?
Let me know!
The Default Render Settings are rather low and Basic. I never use the default settings in DS4.5P.
When I first ran 4.5 my first renders were very fuzzy, too. Like DOF, but the camera didn't have DOF set. Then the problem went away and I have no idea what changed. I'm sorry, I can't tell you how to solve it, but I can confirm that you are (were) not alone. Maybe if you exit DS and restart your computer that will fix it. It seems like that is when mine got better. Just a guess.
Hey everyone!
Ok, I found the solution to the mysterious fuzzy rendering issue:
Click the "Restore Default Settings" button at the bottom of the Renderings Setting tab.
This fixes the issue, but then of course you have to go back and tweak your settings again after that.
But at least no more weird fuzzy 3Delight renderings anymore.
Thanks to all who replied!
The render settings Pixel Filter was probably to blame. If it set to Gaussian or Triangle, that can result in fuzzy redners. It should be set to Sync.
Do you have a middle scroll mouse button wheel, I have, and that it what causes it. When I try to scroll down the render settings tab, it can sometimes change a few things by accident. The other day my render started asking for the filename before rendering, and then it stcuk 30 renders on my Desktop. The settinig had been changed to image series from Still Image.
I try not to use my scroll wheel on any of these settings tabs now, but somtimes I forget.
Ah yes, I see what you're saying!
It is that blasted scroll wheel changing all sorts of drop downs!
(In this case the pixel filter)
Thanks for pointing that out JimmyC!
Thanks for posting the solution. If it happens to me again, I'll know how to fix it.