Sad that the "Jon" Snowflake is not for G9

in The Commons
When I first got the e-mail about "Jon" Snowflake, I thought at first I saw wrong that it was for G8.1 Male as almost everything else is for G9 and I mostly always use G9, with some G8/8.1 as background peeps.
I would love to have that bundle for G9, but I doubt I gonna buy it at the moment but I might when it's perhaps on sale.
I like the outfits in the bundle and it's VERY dumb it's not for G9 too.
I guess that DAZ won't add G9 for the outfit so this is just to blow off steam about the newest bundle.
Actually I'm sure some others were glad to see a new Genesis 8/8.1 character since they have not really adapted Genesis 9 yet. So, a little diversity is a welcome sight.
Maybe they're bringing over the characters created for the GOT NFTs now that they have the editorial license. Wouldn't be surprised if other character bundles showed up.
There is always the Genesis 9 Kit Harrington for Daz Studio at RH which is also excellent. In general, Genesis 8 clothes fit Genesis 9 well so....
cool cant wait for salad fingers to be in the store
I got the "other" Jon but I was talking more about the outfits, but would like the whole bundle for G9 anyway.
now that Daz have been releasing so much content for G9 lately just surprised a G8/8.1 snuck in! And a GOT non the less! That's what's bothering me! I would hope if there are more GOT stuff coming soon, that it could be for BOTH G8/8.1 AND G9! The outfits could probably be converted with the G8-G9 but not sure how good it will be!
So IF I ever getting this pack on sale down the road, I'll probably try to convert it with the script or it don't work I'll might have to try convert it in Blender...
I would have been pretty excited about the outfits, G8 and all, if it hadn't been for the editorial license.
Love to see new G8.1 content, and top-notch quality, too!
I was more bummed it wasn't for G3M, that generation could use some new figures and other assets.
I suspect support for that will be fleeting at best. I've made an effort to pick up some G3 items that interest me as it seems possible they may disappear as time marches on. It's equally possible that some may become DO items, and I've no way to predict that.
I dug up the link to those NFTs and indeed the items do appear to be from the John Snow character used which explains it being for G8
Keep in mind, that are multiple Jon Snow's in the store from to, He is the male equivalent of Angelina Jolie or Cate Blanchett; sooner or later, everyone is coming to make their version.
G3 is two (and a half) generations old, having been superseded by G8 7 years ago. The only new G3 products we're likely to see are for adapting G3 content to newer generations.
it was actually the promo for the sword that stood out for me
I would opt for Cormac, myself. I suppose when I eventually grab the Elios pro bundle...
I suppose that means more EL GoT stuff in the near future.
Yep, it definitely looks like some assets were forwarded to this project. I am old enough to remember when they did a LOTR thing a very long time ago ( was a piece of it which is pretty much a direct copy of Legolas' hair from the movies.
I thought I would render RedzStudios' Cormac, Faber's Jon 8.1 and the Genesis 9 Kit Harington from anothr store.
Thank you!
Out of all the characters, Jon seems the most accurate! Thank ***** I still use my G3/G8.1 characters as well as G9, with the killer character converters out there, you can easily adapt it for G9!
When it becomes an EL issue, excessive accuracy is no longer a virtue.
Sorry, but can you clarify the EL acronym please?
Editorial License, my friend! No commercial use.
EL = Editorial License
Thanks for the clarification, here's to you having a great week going forward! :^)
Thanks to you as well, very appreciated!
Personally, sad that it's on the store at all!
I guess I can't blame Daz for trying to take back from the other two stores though.
it doesn't worry me as long as I am aware, if it means people wanting to create fan art for personal use can get access to more accurate characters and clothing and the rest of us know it's based on something and can avoid it, all is good.
That said I certainly bought the earlier Genesis 1 & 2 stuff simply because it was not as heavily inspired and had lots of alternative textures suited for generic fantasy
Are you sure the image on the right actually has the head morph applied? If so, I shall surely need to quit 3D art. (It looks just like the default G9 shape to my eyes.)
On topic, I do like some aspects of the daz store's version.
An easy & free way to bring across G8 morphs to G9 is to
i must admit that I rushed when I rendered these so Kit is messed up by the focal length and the glare of the light . In my own hands, I think your Kit is the most accurate, Faber's is flatteringly accurate though a bit tanned, and Redz's is extra versatile since he morphs into other characters easily.