We got a medieval marketplace in the store; what else? (+ forest environment?)


New to Daz3D, so I'm not sure about that, maybe it's just a promotional event. But here my question:

I got a mail about the medieval marketplace. I checked it, and was like "hey, that's great, I did not know such a thing existed in the marketplace!" Because you cannot even filter on medieval stuff as far a I know. We can just research for "medieval" and hoping to get all the results that have the "medieval" key word in title or in description. So I saved this linked as favorite and I even emailed it to myself, just in case. 

Are they any other links like this one, and if so, where to find them? Or is it just a temporal link that will not work anymore in a week?

(Also, second question: do you know any great and realistic forest assets? Again, I've a bit of a hard time finding what I want. Hence my first question, to be fair; I've been browsing the store for days about medieval stuff and I realize, with this medieval link, that I've missed a lot of great assets!)



  • TimberWolfTimberWolf Posts: 290
    edited April 2024

    The store has a keyword search at the top right-hand side of the menu bar. You can search by keyword there but the results can be a bit odd sometimes. Your best bet is to use Google - search for 'daz3d.com keyword' as that can pull in things that are slightly more oblique and related rather than just a keyword match as you say.

    For a forest environment I would consider Ultrascenery - https://www.daz3d.com/ultrascenery--realistic-landscape-system - to be the most versatile and realistic product Daz sells. You can make much, much more with it than just forests but there is a bit of a learning curve to it. Plenty of add-ons means you can tweak it just how you want it. It has a companion product - https://www.daz3d.com/ultrasceneryxt--expansive-landscape-system - for filling in the backgrounds of any scene.

    (Edited to add: The forum thread for Ultrascenery is here - https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/380431/ultrascenery-commercial/p1 . It's 100 pages long at this point (!) but if you flick through it you'll see what other folks have managed to do with it and there's a handy reference of add-ons etc. on the first page.)

    If you're new and just want a load-and-forget forest scene there are a lot of excellent sets available. Rather than a massive list I'll give you two of my favourites:



    Whilst you're looking at Through the Woods, click on the author's name (Stonemason) to go to his store page. You will find a lot of medieval/fantasy products there, both built-up and rural, and his reputation for quality is second-to-none. There is not a single thing he makes I would not hesitate to recommend.


    Post edited by TimberWolf on
  • IlliciteSIlliciteS Posts: 32

    Indeed, the search field can provide some odd results. For instance, I've never seen Through the woods! But now that I can read the description, I can understand why. The author is not really talkative, but his products look really good! Thank you for pointed me out those packs!

    I might try Ultrascenery later; I've read a lot of stuff on that topic, like it's pretty hard to use, crash a lot of time, so... yeah. 

  • TimberWolfTimberWolf Posts: 290

    Personally, I don't think Ultrascenery is either hard to use or prone to crashing. The interface prompts you for the basic layout of your scene, the ecology you want, the water you'd like and then it builds it. It really is that simple.

    Once you start customising it then, yes, it can get a little more involved. If you want to cut out a clearing for a building, or a path for a railroad for example then you'll have to dive into using image maps but there's so much help available in the supplied documentation and product thread that it shouldn't pose too much of an issue at all. If you want to get really clever and start adding your own ecologies it can get a bit technical but you really don't *need* to.

    I've also found it to be very stable and I haven't had a single unprovoked crash using it. I've managed to lock up the PC a few times but that's been my fault for forgetting to set the correct optimisation options in the Render Settings. If it's fallen over, it's been my fault every time.

    If you want to render rural scenes with a huge amount of attention to detail (watch the texture on the rocks change as you raise and lower the water levels for example) and design the perfect environment for your renders/novels/games, this is the only product you need. If you want 'forest in a box' then this might not be for you but you'll be missing out!

  • IlliciteSIlliciteS Posts: 32

    Well, you convinced me to give it a try. And there's a deal today on both Ultracenery and Fern Lake Bundle (which includes Through the Woods). Perfect. :D

  • QuixotryQuixotry Posts: 917
    edited April 2024

    Ultrascenery is awesome. Just remember to save periodically just in case something scares Stuido into crashing. I've never had that problem with just scenery. Sometimes loading in a character or something might lock things up, but I think that's down to the "character or something" rather than Ultrascenery itself. And it probably depends on what your system can handle as well.

    Post edited by Quixotry on
  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,851

    I will also chime in that Ultra Scenery is an excellent long term investment. Everytning from Meadows to Forests to Riverlands are possible. 



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