Jagged light terminals on fabric

TheCedizTheCediz Posts: 172


I did not know how to title this thread - Idk what I'm talking about exactly. Imma try to describe it to you. 
So it seems that some clothing products have trouble with creating soft natural light/shadow terminals on Iray. By that I mean that for some product, the point at which the fabric curves away from the light source and stop receiving light rays gets all jagged like a saw blade, following the base mesh polygons, instead of creating a smooth shadow gradient following the subdivision and the smoothing modifier. I'm pretty sure it has do to with the normals of the polys... 

Know what I mean? Something I can do?


Post edited by TheCediz on


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,890

    Terminator effect is, I think, the term - if you search for that there are suggestions for easing it. It isn't just an Iray or DS issue.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,124

    If you mean "jagged" like the screenshot I posted, better check its mesh by pressing Ctrl + 8. In most cases, this issue comes from the base mesh of a garment that is not dense enough... then you'll get a "saw blade" with some lights.

    To avoid seeing it in Viewport, the quickest way is to crank up the value in View SubD Level. And you won't see it in the render if the value of Render SubD Level value is set to higher enough...

    2560 x 1392 - 6M
    2560 x 1392 - 4M
    2560 x 1392 - 6M
  • TheCedizTheCediz Posts: 172

    Thank you for the answers.

    My bad, you're right that was just the subD. In fact, it was some sort of bug where the program wasn't catching the high resolution of a product. I get that sometime, the resolution is at high and subD +1 or +2 and for some reason the mesh stays at base and I need to flick it back to base and High res.
    Somehow I did not make the connection and I thought there was something more.


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