SickleYield dForce Capes Simulation

Hello all -
I hope someone here can help out with this: I'm working with a figure wearing a SickleYield dForce cape - specifically the once called "SY Capes 04 Noble Length Ankle Genesis 8 Female" cape, using one of the velvet shaders. I'm not changing any parameters of the cape at all, just using it straight out of the box. When simulating, I am finding that the cape stretches far beyond the "ankle length" that it is supposed to be. Plus, I'm getting terrible poke-through. I have tried going into the surfaces tab and increasing the stretch stiffness (set at .80 out of the box) and the stretch damping (set at .10 out of the box), but that has only resulted in exploding geometry and error messages.
Perhaps I need to better understand how dForce works, but can anyone explain to me how I can prevent this from happening? I love the look of these capes, but it seems that without changing settings, they are pretty much unusable.
Thanks in advance for any help!

Thanks for teh response! Yes, I tried one of the others from that set, and had the same issues.
I ended up testing a different cape - a dForce High Fantasy Cloak - and it worked out great, although it wasn't the look I wanted. So I just coped everything from that cape to the SY cape, including converting the geometry to SubD, and it worked much better. I have no idea which parameter change improved it, and it still stretches a bit more than I'd like, but overall it's now usable.
It's like you read my mind! I just remembered about 5 minutes ago that I have dForce Master, and have been giving it a whirl. I've wasted so much time today trying to tweak this and get it right, so hopefully it will help.
EDIT: I tried the "Extra Options" to reduce the stretch, but still got more than I wanted. It set the "Stretch Stiffness" to .90, so I bumped it all the way to 1.0. Still hangs longer than the ankles, but overall much better.
To avoid the cape falling beyond the feet, you need to provide a floor for it to collide with. The "floor" provided by render settings is merely a visual effect, it has no geometry to collide with. You can add the geometry you need with a plane primitive; give it a high number of divisions, I usually go for 100. This primitive can be set invisible in render if you're only using it for collisions.
The pokethrough seen on the fingers is a similar issue; there's simply not enough geometry in G8's fingers to prevent it. The best solution is to avoid colliding with the fingers directly whenever possible (move them out of the way, close the hand into a fist, etc), or using a primitive with a high number of divisions as a collision proxy. Adding a smoothing modifier on the cape can also help.
Yes, I tried that - the cape still streched out, it just fell on the floor instead of falling past her feet.
EDIT: I had attached an image with a plane for the floor, but for some reason my images didn't show up.
Okay, I have tried several different settings in an effort to mimic your issues, but even without a ground plane, it simulates just fine. I didn't even tweak the settings in the provided image. The dForce settings I used are what SY herself have provided. I am using Daz Studio 4.11, so I don't know if that has something to do with it or not. The image I supplied shows the Simulation settings I used and the dForce settings on the cape.
I just tried a few more random settings, and it still drapes as expected. I really don't know what to say. I was hoping I could help.
This is probably going to sound silly, but did you by chance uninstall the product and reinstall it?
EDIT: I wanted to add, that sometimes when I have issues with the hands, I'll either create morphs to push the cloak/cape back from the hands or I will parent a Primitie Sphere to each of the hands so the garment falls away as desired.
OK, I rebooted DAZ (although I've done that a few times already, I did it again just in case), and with the same settings as you, I got this. Not as bad as my earlier problems, but still not like yours. I thought it was odd that SY didn't have settings that worked out of the box, but it appears that she did and that the problem is something in DAZ? I dunno. Weird.
And here we go using the character I'm working with. Same exact settings, and you can see the cape stretched - although, again, not by nearly as much as it did when I first posted about this. The only thing I can think is that it's being caused by the clothing/armor/props on the figure, maybe? I sort of kitbashed that costume together, using various items and an old set of armor for V4 that I exported piece-by-piece and saved as smart props. The shoulders of the armor and the sword are original pieces made by me as objs and smart-propped in place, as well. Also, that figure is tall - I increased her height, but I don't think that would affect the cape because it isn't fitted to her and is parented to the torso armor. I don't know if all that extraneous geometry is affecting the cape, or what. It's a mystery.
One day later, and, oddly, the cape is now simulating exactly as it should, without me changing a single thing. *shrugs*
The planets must have been in perfect alignment.
Glad you got it sorted.