"Now Selling At Daz"

I understood the Welcome Series when it started, but now I'm kind of mystified. Propschick has been on Daz since forever ... and Vyktohria longer than forever. Vyktohria is basically a cornerstone of the fundament and it is difficult to imagine Daz without her.
What's the deal here? Is it "now these artists have some stuff here which had previously only been in their Renderosity catalogs?" Because I feel that "Now Selling At Daz" is a mite strange for someone who has a Daz catalog of 275 items that date back to the V4 era (and I suspect she's discontinued some stuff that's even older).
Post edited by columbine on
Haha! Yes I made a similar post in the migration thread
Ah! I haven't been reading that one because I assumed from its title it was mostly about the problems of "how can I tell whether I already bought this somewhere else?" (Which was only really a thing for me with Pamawo. Own a LOT of Pamawo stuff.)
You started the thread I didn't want to start. I hijacked the other one. It's mostly on topic.
Okay I feel a bit better because I kept looking at these "new" artists going "wait... I'm pretty sure I've seen that (character, whatever) before..."
I think the point is that they are moving a big block of content over from their Renderosity stores, several have already had items at Daz too.
What is interesting is they moved some items but not all. And then Renderocity removed some items from store but not all tha were moved here. Weird stuff going behind scenes....
This ^
I don't know the exact situation for every vendor and every product left, but I know that some brokerages will have a contract when you upload a product that requires it to stay on that brokerage for a certain amount of time. They could also be leaving things over to stay diversified or to mind the gap. It could also be they just don't want a massive store brought over for stuff they don't think would sell as well here (but might there). Rest assured it's a business decision, and likely different for each vendor's case.
I can say for myself, I did not want to move my entire store over because I was not sure if everything would sell here, being my Rendo store is all G3 and G8 figures.
So I selected 26 of my products and the 5 I did with Ennushka to bring over here. I wish I could have brought my newest products over, but yes there are time limites when we upload there that products much remain on the site for X long before they can be removed.
So if you don't mind me asking, why now?
Was it a change on the Rendo side that allowed you to make the switch? Or an incentive offered by Daz? If you can't talk about these things for whatever reason, I understand, I'm just curious.
While I'm not under any NDA there, I'm going to respect the forum rules here and not go slinging mud and just say...
It was multiple changes at Rendo since October that I personally felt (along with others) were wrong that made me come over here, and I'm thankful to the staff and admins for giving me the chance to come here, and to all the awesome PA's I've met and gotten help from and learned from so far, and i hope to create and provide my models to you all to create great projects with them!
Thanks for your insight, Loki. I wish you great success here at Daz!