Content reinstall on Mac

Previously I had used the Install Manager to download content to a place on an external hard drive on my Mac. Though the content is there, it was hit or miss if Studio could find it. Some items never showed up. Some items had texture missing, though the error message contained the proper path to the file it wanted. I've finally had enough, so I removed everything. I just downloaded Install Manger again, but it is remembering the old settings. It even thinks that content is installed. How do I reset everything?
Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
Which "everythings" did you remove? Did you tell DIM to uninstall all content, or did you just manually delete files? The downloaded content installers aren't stored in the same place as the program or the installed content, and neither are affected by simply uninstalling/reinstalling the programs. There is also a database used to search and keep track of your installed content; entries are added to this when DIM installs new content, and D|S reads it to load content into your scene. The only way to reset this is to use the database controls in the Content Library tab in D|S.
Incidentally, the problem you were having with content not being found might have been due to your using an external drive: some Mac users have reported that their externals aren't always starting up with exactly the same system name, and the database uses exact file paths including the exact drive system name. I'm not a Mac user (things are a bit different in Windows) so you'll have to wait for one to turn up here for the details of how to reinstall properly.
The standard way to remove software on a Mac is to drag the folder to the trash can and drop. Didn't know about the database and Studio won't install, so I'll have to figure that out too. Not had problems with the external drive in Photoshop, Nikon NX 2, nor Lightroom, only Studio. I am running through the Uninstall buttons in Install Manager, so maybe that will eventually clear up. I had hundreds of things installed.
I'm going backwards in a big hurry. Here is Vivianne.
I probably posted this originally in the wrong forum, so I'm moving over to here.
I'm trying to reinstall my content on my Mac after removing what I had. Now this is what happens with Vivianne.
You need to delete a folder...I'll go figure out which one and then let you know.
/Users/Shared/DAZ 3D/InstallManager/ManifestFiles.
Move it's contents to a folder on your desktop, then start up DIM. IF it cleared the inventory, then I told you the right folder. If it didn't, quit DIM, put the files back into the folder, and let me know :)
RE: Spottedkitty's comment "some Mac users have reported that their externals aren't always starting up with exactly the same system name, and the database uses exact file paths including the exact drive system name"
What happens is IF you start up Daz Studio AND your external is not plugged in, THEN Daz will create in /volumes/ an entry from the drive..basically an empty folder is how the unix system sees it. That will STAY there FOREVER. So, when you plug in your external, it will mount as normal, and the drive name will be the same, but in /volumes/ it will be have a "1" appeneded to the name (it's been a while since I've done this, so it be something other than a "1", but it's the same). Daz WILL NOT see your external, because it's looking for /volumes/realname, not /volumes/realname1.
TO FIX THIS, unhook your external. (this isn't actually necessary, but it's better safe than sorry). then, in Terminal, navigate to your /volumes/ folder ("cd ../../volumes" ). List the diretory ("ls") and you'll see the stuck drive name. delete it ("rmdir drivename"). Do another "ls" to confirm it's gone, then plug in your external. Wait a few moments, then do "ls" again to confirm the drive is listed correctly (you may need to do "ls" a few times before it shows up).
Start up Daz. You might need to rebuild the database, or at least re-import smart content,. That's outside the scope of what I'm explaining here :).
Back in a few.
Insufficient data to process your querry at this time. First get out of the Smart Content tab and in to the Content Library tab. Second how did you install content, with DIM or manually. Third what is the path that you installed to and did you add that to Studio's Content Directory Manager (screen shot of this with both Studio and Poser format sections expanded would be helpful).
Merged threads.
This is not a database issue, at least primarily - you don't have the content in a content directory and as a result DS isn't finding the Data folder with the geoemtry and rigging. Where is you content (the folder that holds the Runtime and Data folders)? Is that folder set as a Daz Studio Content diectory? We need to get your files showing in the Content Library pane under the ... Formats headings and loading correctly first, then we can worry about the DIM install paths and the CMS.
Thanks for the info. I'll dig threw and see what I can find. I'm trying to clear out everything and start clean again. Even after installing various Genesis 2 base figures and morphs, there were still items missing.
I'd like to know where is is too. There's only one directory for DIM to install content and Studio knows of it as well. I'm going through and trying to clear out everything and start fresh. Usually if I'm missing anything it is a texture, not the base rigging of the figure.
Are you absolutely sure of that? Especially when you're installing through DIM into a non-default location, it's vitally important that you check your D|S Content Directory Management settings point to EXACTLY the same external drive and folder path name. The two programs do not talk to each other — DIM installs and D|S reads, and you're the only part of the whole system that can make sure they're using the same content locations.
Note that the "blocky robot" appearance of your figures is exactly what to expect when there is a content path mismatch — DIM installs the content files and places entries in the content database, D|S reads the database but can't find the /data/ files defining the object mesh that DIM installed.
One more thing; for the moment, stop "trying to clear out everything and start fresh". As I said upthread, it makes no difference to your content installation, all it does is take time and eat up massive amounts of your download bandwidth. The most likely situation is that DIM has installed your content but D|S isn't looking in the right place. That isn't solved by downloading everything all over again, it's solved by simply telling D|S where to look for its content location.