Changing the rigging in the legs

I have a model and want to modify, change or add a leg joint but can't seem to find a video on how.
I suppose idealy I would move the shin and foot joints to the location shown with the toes at the end of the foot but I am not a rigger.
This is a G3 model using the Satyrn For Genesis 3 Male product.
I want to do this because I can't achive the poses I want.
In the attached image below I have drawn the bones as I think they might work.
Thanks for any help.

Saytr leg.png
466 x 607 - 159K
Better do Adjust Rigging to Shape before adding custom bones and/or tweaking joints positions. Is there any geo-graft on the feet (hooves)?
And AFAIK, there's no end-to-end tutorial on youtube or somewhere related to customizing bones / weight ...
Already did the Adjust Rigging to Shape. The legs are an attachment.
I’m a hobbyist/dabbler and have no rigging skills although I have lightly thought about exploring the concept. One or both of the WP Guru videos at YouTube below may help you though.
OK, then you can just tweak joints positions as well as weight maps if needed on that attachment (geo-graft of hooves) .
Wish I knew how to do that.
You change joints with the Joint editor tool. There you can change the start, end and orientation of the bone(s).
You can change weights with Weight Editing tool.
For both you must open the Tool Settings pane.
There are YouTube tutorials for boths tools, although there might not be one covering both.
I'll look.
I think it would be a useful tool to have, to be able to just click and drag the joints to where I want them.
Seems like I will have to do a lot of work just to get the leg joints of a Saytr where they should be. (To bad there isn't a tool like Mesh Grabber for example for joints and bones).
I have a Werewolf model that has them in the correct place but not for a G3 model.
This seems very difficult. I have watched some videos but don't see how they relate to what I want to do.
All I want is to move the ankle joint to the middle of the calf of the leg, lengthen the foot bone and the associated arch to the toes, and have it all bend just like it does now but more like a dog or horse's hind leg.
The saytr leg needs to bend there to be acurate and I need it to bend there to achieve the poses I want to illistrate my series of images in the story.
I suppose for someone that is good at this stuff it would be easy to do, but I am a novice and am struggling.
This is what I think has to be done on the model to make the attachement work.
1. Shine Bone
2. Foot Bone
3. Heel Bone
4. Left Metatarsals
The Toes are left as is.
I bet if someone were to make this morph for GF3, 8 and 9, they could sell it.
All you can do is change the shape of the existing mesh and move the joints to match - so in your example shrink the shin, stretch the foot, and move the ankle. Changing a bone's influence requires editing the weightmaps, at which point you are going beyond what a slider can do. You need a new figure or, more realistically, a GeoGrafted set of new feet.
Ugh, That is a skill set way beyond what I am capable of.