error when rendering Dain 9 HD

I'm getting an error during rendering. As far as I can tell, it's related to Dain 9 HD and Dain 9 HD No Veins. They work fine in Iray preview. But when I try to actually render them (in a scene or alone), I get "error during rendering" and it locks up the renderer so I have to restart the program. It doesn't happen with the non HD version of Dain 9. It doesn't happen with Victoria 9 HD, Michael 9 HD or Wang 9 HD (all rendered alone). That's all I've tested so far. I uninstalled, deleted, and redownloaded Dain 9 HD, but that didn't help. I don't know what to try next.
I'm on version in Windows 11.
I'll attach my log file in case anyone can figure it out.


Hard restart through Task Manager or close normally and restart? All the logged starts are preceeded by a proper shut down.
Closed normally and restarted. It doesn't lock up the whole program. Just the renderer.
OK, so I restarted the PC, and it seems to be rendering them now. But it takes them about twice as long to start rendering as Ivar 9 HD, whom I loaded in as a comparison. Weird.
It may be down to a difference in the materials, perhaps one has more prep work.