new Environments or if can find old for making meta quest Environment kit

hi one and all well it might sound , well lets get to things then , i just got my self first vr head set quest 3 good price 512 model any way i whant new Environments
so at moment i found matrix code one its cool but but i think could be better in some parts but i am trying to work out how to make from scratch or inport matrix code on to and into daz
so has any one made matrix code with in daz yet ? if so how ,if not can some one that would be better than me make modulaer matrix kit enviroments so we could make any and all ideas be that of matrix also main point is animation of matric code be that up and down and or back and forward and even glitching ........
another one i downloaded into quest 3 was that of stary night sky ,nice its just flat 360 but be nice if we can build 3d concept of deatpth so like moving painting 360
so with vr coming into fold in next coming year vr enviroments will be new thing i think as theres only handfull out there and with daz 3d could be new way to get more into vr systems even make online ai daz 3d enviroment using all that das can do make work into meta enviroments builder kit
i was thinkin as 3d enviromets go ,.........
. parts from 12 monkeys tv show would be so cool i think
teenage mutant ninja turtles concept
me even 3d mortal combat ones like sub zero or scorpion lair , be own master watching the ninjas train or eaven be watching other fighting for the prize
on sidequest that were i downloaded matrix there is doctor who but some how dosent work but , new doctor who concepts ,........i was thinking liks of 1 main tardis room but many slpit door ways looking into few random or picked out other doctor whos rooms me even each doctors for each room or somthing like the one were all tardis hid the planet so all face of doctors
thats i have in my head rightnow
Unreal Engine is probably the best tool for generating environments, especially if you're intending to navigate through them in 3D. As far as Daz assets, Urban Sprawl 3 and/or 2 give you a lot of urban environments for the money, and Stonemason sets tend to be great bang-for-your-buck for other environments, like Asian historical fantasy and cyberpunk.
I use Unity and have taken a lot of Stonemason and Jack Tomalin environments into VR :) Pretty amazing to walk around in them.
Fitting environments - especially the Daz ones - on the Q3 alone is a challenge since it uses a mobile chip so they have to be super optimised with lo res textures... you can go a lot higher in quality if you connect to your PC (wifi or with a usb cable) and use the PC GPU to render to your headset.