Turning A Disco Floor Emissive

I have an old prop, a freebie from RDNA (created for Hiro3 so that old lol), that I want lit up like emissives do. It only has 2 sections, the floor and the border. I don't need the border and I believe the floor is a single image on a plane, there are only 2 images in textures, so I assume one for the floor and one for the disco ball that comes with it and a 3rd image for reflect, probably for both the floor and the ball. I attached an image of what the floor looks like without the border.

Based on what I said about it, is there any way to get the floor to light up with all those colors with emissives?

900 x 538 - 216K


  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,192

    You could definitely plug that map into emission color, and possibly emission weight as well. If that doesn't work, you can take the map into your image editing program of choice, and turn all the colors white while leaving the black grid.

  • nemesis10nemesis10 Posts: 3,504

    iRay or 3delight?  In iRay, you should be able to load up the image in the emission channel, amp up the luminance and, voila, emissive floor.  

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