Black Screen while in Daz Studio

So for the past month or so whenever I"m in Daz my screen randomly goes black. I could just be setting up models or whatever and it just goes black. Once black, I can't do anything, my system becomes unresponsive and the only way to salvage this is to do a hard reset. Any idea what could be the cause of this? My drivers are current.
Smells like running out of RAM - How much do you have?
Are you constantly working using the iray preview and do you have the HEAT plugin installed?
Hi, thanks for the response. I have 40 gb and other than my model on my avatar, I've been working with only Gen 3.
Thanks for the response. No, I know not to leave iray on, I use filament a lot instead. And no, I haven't installed any plugins. I could be working on a models body with iray OFF and it would just go black and non-responsive. It started when the 4.22. 15 updateand now it does it even more. Hard to work like this.
Hmmm. Have you tried doing anything else GPU-intensive since this has been happening, like playing a recent game? Just wondering if the graphics card is over-heating and shutting down maybe?
In all honesty, I have very low usage rates on this PC. I watch tuts on my other laptop and apply what I learned on this PC. I have Blender which I don't use and PS. But I only use this PC for Daz which is why this is perplexing me. I could see if I'm cranking out renders all day, everyday but that's not the case.
That would be great also.
Well, the idea here was to try and stress the GPU in another way to see if the fault is there rather than with Daz. The render window going black and stopping is a sign of running out of VRAM and not having CPU fallback enabled - however this does not lock up either Daz Studio or the PC usually. The slow-down/lock-up can be caused by memory leak from plugins, but it seems like with the OOM issue you have ruled this out. Therefore, it would be worth either installing a 3D-intensive game and/or a 3D tech demo (if they still make those) to see if that also causes similar issues.
It could be something faulty with the graphics card - maybe failing/broken cooling or something like that. If there is an issue there then the card could be shutting itself down to protect itself within a few moments and so it wouldn't take much.
Another thing to check would be to view the Daz log following a crash and see what the last few items added could be - that may give you a clue if there is something in Daz that is causing it.
Sorry for the late reply. And thanks for the suggestions I'll apply each of them and hopefully it works. I've already backed up everything of importance and I've been using Daz for the last day and a half with no issue so the next time it happens I'll check my log and document what's said.
OCCT has been used to find problems other tests have not found
Looking into it now, thanks this is greatly appreciated.
Turns out that the GPU was the problem. I cashed in on my warranty and ended up swapping out my old system and getting a new PC. Now the hunt for a decent monitor that isn't dark starts.
What was the GPU? Mine is a 3060 off at the service centre being tested as it black screened for me using Studio.