4.21 turn off highlight of mouse over character

Upon reloading my workspace I lost several settings. I got many back, but for what ever reason, when I roll my mouse over a character (example G8F), it is like mousing over any object in a scene. This wasn't normal before and I KNOW that I could mouse over the character (two or three) and be able to click on them and work on them.
I have tried to go into Tool settings as I have seen in other discussions for the Translate tool which is what I normally use and I still get the same effect.
Is this a default setting? Is it something that I am missing that I can easily change? It must be because I didn't have it before.
I am on an iMac with Daz 4.21.05
Post edited by kd8gxw on
Draw Settings tab pane -> Node Highlighting -> Highlight Style -> Bounding Box Only.
Or, if I didn't understand that, Tool Settings -> Node Selection Mode - > Root Node First, or Root Node Only.
Thanks. This is close. Is there another way? It's as if I have selected the character in the Scene tab. I have added a picture just to show what it looks like when I mouse over the character. It wasn't there originally. I will certainly keep your idea in mind if I can't do anything else.
To whom were you referring?
The only tool it doesn't do it for is the Active Pose Tool (I have the Translate tool selected most of the time)
To both Northof45 and Barbult: neither suggestion has helped. The only tool I use is the Translate tool. I could use any of the listed tools, but I want to know why the character in the picture I have posted looks that way. It never did that before. So there was a change in the settings. I would rather not reload the program, deleting everything in order to get everything back to normal. I know I can live with it but I would really like to know WHY it is doing what it is doing.
Open the Draw Settings pane. Select Texture Shaded (if that is the draw style you are using). Select Node Highlighting. Is Highlight Style set to Bounding Box Only, as NorthOf45 recommended?
In order for us to help you, please attach a screenshot of your Draw Settings.
THANKS. I was about to say that I found out half of the problem in Tool Settings and set Node Selection Mode to Node.
But that brought up the bounding box but you just gave the fix for that. So thank you. Big sigh. I'll save this page so I know what to do if this all happens again.
Glad you got it resolved. Sometimes a picture helps explain things.
Yeah, lately I can't seem to attach any pictures when I try...
Yea....about that fix......
The bounding box fix TOTALLY gets rid of the bounding boxes around the arms and legs and such, but it ALSO gets rid of bounding boxes around EVERYTHING else. So is there another way? Or do I turn the bounding box thing in the draw tab on and off? This isn't 100% important, I'm just curious.
So here is my draw settings. (maybe this file will stick)
I’m not sure if this is what you are trying to do but with the Draw Settings Highlight Style set to Bounding Box only, you can still see highlighted surfaces over which the mouse passes or hovers if you select the Surface Selection Tool.
I really don't understand how you want it to behave now. I thought you were trying to get rid of the orange highligh that covers the object when you move the mouse over it. Did I misunderstand?
In your recent attached image, you have not followed the instructions to set the Highlight Style to Bounding Box Only. Instead you set it to Bounding Box and Surface and then set Bounding Box Edge Length to 0%. What are you trying to accomplish with that combination? Are you trying to get ONLY the orange highlight and no bounding box angle brackets? You need to attach more images, or a video, showing what the viewport does. that you don't want it to do, and describe better what you want it to do (what you thought it used to do).
I thought you wanted to get rid of the Surface Highlighting. You are showing "Bounding Box and Surface" which will always highlight the surface as you pass over it. You want "Bounding Box Only". Setting "Bounding Box Edge Length" to zero will always hide the lines defining the bounding box corners. It is a global setting, not per object.
Just to be clear, the bounding box is the set of eight "corners" those settings affect (not to be confused with Solid Bounding Box draw mode).
The Surface selection is like your first picture (since gone) where the surface under the pointer is all amber.
Maybe I need a new picture (weak smile)
When you originally gave me the help things were fixed. When I did the mouse-over, The character didn't highlight as one object. It would highlight individual parts. There are no bounding boxes at those separate boxes.
The only issue with that is when you select any other object, say a Glass. I want to set that glass on a glass table. That glass no longer has a bounding box at the corners. I would use this bounding box because it's difficult to set a glass onto a glass table.
When I first installed Daz 4.21, I had that bounding box. There wasn't a separate bounding box around the arms, etc of the characters.
I attached two files. One has the bounding box showing around the entire character as well as the arm. The second has no bounding box and the arm selected. I am wanting the first one but without the bounding box on the arm.
When I set it to Bonunding box Only, it doesn't work. I set it to Bounding box and surface and it works. In Tools settings, It only works if I set Node Selection Mode to "Node".
NorthOf45: I originally posted a pic that is gone. When I moused over it the entire thing was highlighted and should not have been. I should have been able to highlight the forearm, the hand, the head, etc. So it is doing what it si supposed to do in that respect.
What it is NOT doing right is the bounding box around each body area.
Hopefully the below image will answer the questions you have. Sorry I have made it so complicated
Okay, I can reproduce your first picture with Highlight Style: "Bounding Box and Surface", Node Selection Mode: Node. Only the Node over which the pointer passes will highlight amber and display a bounding box, also in amber, whether the figure is selected or not. If you actually click on a body part, that part will get the bounding box, but not the figure. To get the bounding box on the figure, you need to select the figure in the Scene tab, or double-click on the figure in the viewport.
With Root Node First, if you mouse over the figure, the whole thing highlights, until you select the figure. The first time, it will it will put the bounding box around the entire figure, and the mouse will highlight the individual body parts in amber as it passes over them and show the bounding box for that part. If you click on a particular body part, the bounding box on the figure goes away, and one for the body part will persist until you select another part. Mousing over other parts will do the same as before, highlighting the surfaces as you go.
Root node only always highlights the whole figure.
To get the second picture, you actually have to hide the bounding box by setting the edge length or opacity to zero, which isn't really practical.
Okay, so you can reproduce the first picture. So how do I select the arm and not get a bounding box? The second picture is a representation of what I am doing with Bounding box edge length at 0%.
I am getting to my wits end here. Maybe I just leave those bounding boxes around the arms, legs, torso, etc. I'm not breaking anything and it would be just something new to deal with.
I see no way to mouse over or select a body part without getting a bounding box using the Universal or TranslateTools without setting the Edge Length to zero. You can use the Surface selection tool, which will highlight the surfaces as you mouse over them, with no bounding box, but once you select the surface, it is outlined, not highlighted.
There are six combinations of Node Highlight Style and Node Selection Mode. Find the combo that you like. I don't know what more I can say.
Okay thanks. Maybe I had it all the time. I just don't remember having it. The small bounding box around the arm, head, etc is hard to see so I might not have seen it.