lack of data in "failed to load texture".

"2024-04-21 16:15:19.875 [WARNING] :: Could not resolve: /Runtime/textures/LaurieS/LS_MageTower/MTA3_bshelfbook5.jpg
2024-04-21 16:15:19.875 [WARNING] :: Could not resolve: /Runtime/Textures/LaurieS/LS_MageTower/M_ReflectionGold.jpg
this is not usable data to debug a problem
The Program has to know where it's looking and if it can't find the path it givea a message.
So why not say Could not resolve E/etc ? Tell me where the program was looking 
if it has not location info at all simple "no path listed for item"j
Yes it's probably just as simple as the prog is check for that directory on C when it's on E or G 
Warning :: Could not resolve /runtime (etc) on drive E
Simple that's data the program knows and can share when it writes the error message.
As a secondary note any time the prog finds the condition of not finding items it posts a screen saying "this ain't found" 
Yes, it's nice I can click okay and then it will try to load and prompt me to find a bunch of links
BUT with the screen that says files not found give me two options 1) to cancel the entire load or 2} continue 
And the second option would be more viable if the message told me where it couldn't find the item.


  • SofaCitizenSofaCitizen Posts: 1,974

    It doesn't need to say the drive - Daz searches that path on every one of your linked base libraries for the file it wants. Therefore, you know that the two paths listed do not exist on any of the libraries that you have told Daz about.

    If you believe that path DOES exist then double-check that you have added it as a base library under Daz Formats. Also, double-check that you have not accidentally added a base library within a base library as apparently that can cause issues.

  • alan bard newcomeralan bard newcomer Posts: 2,248
    edited April 2024

    Dim says mage Tower installed in directory 63 Gothic on drive G
    content directory manager shows g/63 gothic is active
    I went to the mage tower in the content page and loaded the item that the program couldn't load the textures for and there they were? 
    So yes, it is important to know where the scene file was looking. G has always been the main data drive with the most put in C drive stuff on C 
    I did move some of my very intensely active files onto the E drive but that one has never been off the G drive. 
    I still have to reload those objects and textures or just put the textures on again. 
    But I want to know why it glitched ... where was in looking particularly because this has happened occasionally on other files that were subsequently found right where they were supposed to be. 
    1) dim listing 2) content directory listing 3) content library window 4) object that generated the error message from scene file load 5) object loaded from content library. 
    With the data in the message I have to assume that the program actually looked at the right place and just didn't see the textures or somehow the prog was not looking at the location. 
    Having the drive where it was looking would solve that question. 


    dim installed files.jpg
    532 x 545 - 294K
    content listing 63 gothic on G.jpg
    163 x 172 - 17K
    63 gothic on g drive.jpg
    2399 x 733 - 499K
    LS_MTA3Bookgrp5 no textures.jpg
    957 x 1535 - 199K
    LS_MTA3Bookgrp5 just loaded.jpg
    957 x 1535 - 555K
    Post edited by alan bard newcomer on
  • SofaCitizenSofaCitizen Posts: 1,974

    alan bard newcomer said:
    Having the drive where it was looking would solve that question. 

    But that's the thing: It will look in ALL of them, one by one until it finds the file it wants or reaches the end of the base libraries that you have told Daz Studio about.

    However, from the screenshots you have pasted, nothing jumps out as to the cause so it looks like it should work.  You do have a lot of base libraries added by the looks of things but I assume that is not a new thing so perhaps not an issue.

    On the DIM/Installed-Files window, you have shown the top to included the physical location however when you scroll down are the two textures you references definitaly also highlighted in blue and clickable?

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    You should find the textures in;
    G:/63 gothic/Runtime/textures/LaurieS/LS_MageTower/MTA3_bshelfbook5.jpg
    G:/63 gothic/Runtime/Textures/LaurieS/LS_MageTower/M_ReflectionGold.jpg

    Check that you don't have nested Content Directories.

  • BejaymacBejaymac Posts: 1,897

    Too many active base directories can cause issues, especially if there is a lot of products in each, I have dozens of directories, but only have a handful active at any one time.


    It could be an issue with the files for the item, the main DSF asset file will have surface settings in it, as will the DUF, so a "bad" pathway in either could cause this, as could the lower case "textures" and an upper case "Textures" your error is  showing.

  • alan bard newcomeralan bard newcomer Posts: 2,248
    edited April 2024

    thanks all but please note as I loaded a fresh item from the content library ... it loaded completely with the textures ... everything is where they should be. 
    Computer programs are dumb pieces of code that do exactly what they're told to do .... bugs in programs are bugs ie bad coding.
    All directories are on the top level of their drives ... all path names are as daz installed them. 
    There should be no difference in the routine that loads a scene duf or the routine that loads a content duf. 
    dual xeons 64g ddr4 and a titanX which may be slow but then the video card isn't loading the scene files. 
    this has happened sporatically and randomly ... I'm not complaining about that Because overall what it manages to do is incredible but I want the data to trouble shoot it. 
    Which is simply for the program to state where in the heck it was looking if it couldn't find something that appears to be exactly where all available data says it was. 
    I did check the duf file and all the names are as they should be ... but somehow the program seems not to be looking in the right places for the occasional items. 
    It loaded a lot of objects correctly .. just missed a few textures.on one bookcase that was piled on the car. 
    way back in 2007 or very early on I started installing the data in named folders by data types
    I remember people losing their content pointers etc 
    so mine are all basic to the installs. their is a dupe drive with the backup... if the G drive dies (which it has in the past) the H drive gets assigned drive letter G and we go on from there. 
    Buried somewhere on the C drive Daz has a folder that tells it where all items are just have to find it but even with that the Program loaded the object just not the textures from the same directory. 

    momtile mumble seat 1s.jpg
    1596 x 838 - 946K
    Post edited by alan bard newcomer on
  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024
    edited April 2024

    alan bard newcomer said:

    Which is simply for the program to state where in the heck it was looking if it couldn't find something that appears to be exactly where all available data says it was. 
    I did check the duf file and all the names are as they should be ... but somehow the program seems not to be looking in the right places for the occasional items

    That is sometimes an indication that one has allowed DS to log in to Daz servers and Daz Connect inside DS has installed the products the second time to it's own installation directory.
    Or one has nested Content Directories.

    Post edited by PerttiA on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,931

    The full error, from the log file, might be helpful

  • alan bard newcomeralan bard newcomer Posts: 2,248
    edited April 2024

    Richard Haseltine said:

    The full error, from the log file, might be helpful

    that was cut and pasted from the log file .,.,,

    which is why I complained about it nto devulging where it was looking 
    "2024-04-21 16:10:54.323 [WARNING] :: Could not resolve: /Runtime/textures/LaurieS/LS_MageTower/MTA3_bshelfbook3.jpg
    2024-04-21 16:10:54.323 [WARNING] :: Could not resolve: /Runtime/Textures/DAZ/Props/TheStudy/MG_Book4.jpg
    2024-04-21 16:10:54.338 [WARNING] :: Could not resolve: /Runtime/textures/LaurieS/LS_MageTower/MTA3_bshelfbk1bmp.jpg
    2024-04-21 16:10:54.338 [WARNING] :: Could not resolve: /Runtime/textures/LaurieS/LS_MageTower/MTA3_bshelfbk6bmp.jpgZ
    log from successful loading of same prop...
    2024-04-22 13:11:15.507 [INFO] :: Loaded image: MTA3_Bookin6_BaseColor.jpg
    2024-04-22 13:11:15.632 [INFO] :: Loaded image: MTA3_Bookin5_BaseColor.jpg
    2024-04-22 13:11:15.754 [INFO] :: Loaded image: MTA3_Bookin4_BaseColor.jpg
    2024-04-22 13:11:15.836 [INFO] :: Loaded image: MTA3_Bookin3_BaseColor.jpg
    2024-04-22 13:11:15.940 [INFO] :: Loaded image: MTA3_Bookin2_BaseColor.jpg
    2024-04-22 13:11:16.031 [INFO] :: Loaded image: MTA3_Bookin1_BaseColor.jpg

    just tried to reload the scene file and got the same warnings again. 

    and here is the dsx file  from manifest files.
    Which is where the program gets it's look up values? 
    " <UserInstallPath VALUE="G:/63 gothic"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/Mage Tower IRay  Wall 4/MTW4IR.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/Mage Tower IRay  Wall 4/UV Sets/Laurie S/Base/default.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/Mage Tower IRay Ceiling/MTCIR.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/Mage Tower IRay Ceiling/UV Sets/Laurie S/Base/default.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/Mage Tower IRay Floor/MTFIR.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/Mage Tower IRay Floor/UV Sets/Laurie S/Base/default.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/Mage Tower Iray Wall 1/MTW1IR.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/Mage Tower Iray Wall 1/UV Sets/Laurie S/Base/default.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/Mage Tower IRay Wall 2/MTW2IR.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/Mage Tower IRay Wall 2/UV Sets/Laurie S/Base/default.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/Mage Tower Wall 3/MTW3IR.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/Mage Tower Wall 3/UV Sets/LaurieS/Base/default.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/Mage Tower Wall 4/MTW4IR.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/Mage Tower Wall 4/UV Sets/Laurie S/Base/default.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/Mage Tower Wall 5/MTW5IR.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/Mage Tower Wall 5/UV Sets/LaurieS/Base/default.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/Mage Tower Wall 6/MTW6IR.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/Mage Tower Wall 6/UV Sets/Laurie S/Base/default.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/MT Wall 1/MTW1IR.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/MT Wall 1/UV Sets/Laurie S/Base/default.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/MTIR Big Book 1/MTA3_Bigbook1IR.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/MTIR Big Book 1/UV Sets/Laurie S/Base/default.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/MTIR Big Book 2/MTA3_Bigbook2IR.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/MTIR Big Book 2/UV Sets/Laurie S/Base/default.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/MTIR Book Group 1/MTA3_Bookgroup1IR.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/MTIR Book Group 1/UV Sets/Laurie S/Base/default.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/MTIR Book Group 2/MTA3_Bookgroup2IR.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/MTIR Book Group 2/UV Sets/Laurie S/Base/default.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/MTIR Book Group 3/MTA3_Bookgroup3IR.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/MTIR Book Group 3/UV Sets/Laurie S/Base/default.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/MTIR Book Group 4/MTA3_Bookgroup4IR.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/MTIR Book Group 4/UV Sets/Laurie S/Base/default.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/MTIR Book Group 5/MTA3_Bookgroup5IR.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/MTIR Book Group 5/UV Sets/Laurie S/Base/default.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/MTIR Book Stand/MTA3_BkStndIR.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/MTIR Book Stand/UV Sets/Laurie S/Base/default.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/MTIR Candle Stand 1/MTA2_cndl1IR.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/MTIR Candle Stand 1/UV Sets/Laurie S/Base/default.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/MTIR Inkwell/MTA3_InkwellIR.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/MTIR Inkwell/UV Sets/Laurie S/Base/default.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/MTIR Inkwell Cap/MTA3_InkwellcapIR.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/MTIR Inkwell Cap/UV Sets/Laurie S/Base/default.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/MTIR Light Block/MTW_lightblock.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/MTIR Light Block/UV Sets/Laurie S/Base/default.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/MTIR Quill/MTA3_FeatherIR.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/MTIR Quill/UV Sets/Laurie S/Base/default.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/MTIR Quill Holder/MTA3_QuillholderIR.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/MTIR Quill Holder/UV Sets/Laurie S/Base/default.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/MTIR Scroll 1/MTA3_Scroll1IR.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/MTIR Scroll 1/UV Sets/Laurie S/Base/default.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/MTIR Scroll 2/MTA3_Scroll2IR.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/MTIR Scroll 2/UV Sets/Laurie S/Base/default.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/MTW1IR/MTW1IR.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/MTW1IR/UV Sets/Laurie S/Base/default.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/MTW2IR/MTW2IR.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/MTW2IR/UV Sets/Laurie S/Base/default.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/MTW3IR/MTW3IR.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/MTW3IR/UV Sets/Laurie S/Base/default.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/MTW5IR/MTW5IR.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/data/Laurie S/Mage Tower IRay/MTW5IR/UV Sets/Laurie S/Base/default.dsf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/Props/Architecture/LS_MageTower/Materials/MTIR Big Book 1.duf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/Props/Architecture/LS_MageTower/Materials/MTIR Big Book 1.png"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/Props/Architecture/LS_MageTower/Materials/MTIR Big Book 2.duf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/Props/Architecture/LS_MageTower/Materials/MTIR Big Book 2.png"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/Props/Architecture/LS_MageTower/Materials/MTIR Book Group 1.duf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/Props/Architecture/LS_MageTower/Materials/MTIR Book Group 1.png"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/Props/Architecture/LS_MageTower/Materials/MTIR Book Group 2.duf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/Props/Architecture/LS_MageTower/Materials/MTIR Book Group 2.png"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/Props/Architecture/LS_MageTower/Materials/MTIR Book Group 3.duf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/Props/Architecture/LS_MageTower/Materials/MTIR Book Group 3.png"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/Props/Architecture/LS_MageTower/Materials/MTIR Book Group 4.duf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/Props/Architecture/LS_MageTower/Materials/MTIR Book Group 4.png"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/Props/Architecture/LS_MageTower/Materials/MTIR Book Group 5.duf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/Props/Architecture/LS_MageTower/Materials/MTIR Book Group 5.png"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/Props/Architecture/LS_MageTower/Materials/MTIR Book Stand.duf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/Props/Architecture/LS_MageTower/Materials/MTIR Book Stand.png"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/Props/Architecture/LS_MageTower/Materials/MTIR Inkwell Cap.duf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/Props/Architecture/LS_MageTower/Materials/MTIR Inkwell Cap.png"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/Props/Architecture/LS_MageTower/Materials/MTIR Inkwell.duf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/Props/Architecture/LS_MageTower/Materials/MTIR Inkwell.png"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/Props/Architecture/LS_MageTower/Materials/MTIR Quill Holder.duf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/Props/Architecture/LS_MageTower/Materials/MTIR Quill Holder.png"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/Props/Architecture/LS_MageTower/Materials/MTIR Quill.duf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/Props/Architecture/LS_MageTower/Materials/MTIR Quill.png"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/Props/Architecture/LS_MageTower/Materials/MTIR Scroll1.duf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/Props/Architecture/LS_MageTower/Materials/MTIR Scroll1.png"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/Props/Architecture/LS_MageTower/Materials/MTIR Scroll2.duf"/>
     <File TARGET="Content" ACTION="Install" VALUE="Content/Props/Architecture/LS_MageTower/Materials/MTIR Scroll2.png"/>



    Post edited by alan bard newcomer on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,931

    But you know where it was looking - in each of the content directories you have selected. It is telling you it can't resolve the relative path (starting with Runtime) into an absolute path (an actual location for the file) by combining the relative path with any of the content directories.

    It does sound like it might be an issue with the number of directories - you could try moving this one up the list using Content Directory Manager (Content Library option menu, or Edit>Prefrences, Daz Studio>Preferences on a Mac, and go to the Content tab) and see if it will then load successfully.

  • Richard Haseltine said:

    But you know where it was looking - in each of the content directories you have selected. It is telling you it can't resolve the relative path (starting with Runtime) into an absolute path (an actual location for the file) by combining the relative path with any of the content directories.

    It does sound like it might be an issue with the number of directories - you could try moving this one up the list using Content Directory Manager (Content Library option menu, or Edit>Prefrences, Daz Studio>Preferences on a Mac, and go to the Content tab) and see if it will then load successfully.

    the item does load corrrectly from the content library ...  it loaded from the scene file duff ... loaded the object but not the texture from the same location. That ia what  is/was so weird.  
    This is a item that was upgraded to iray... and the surfaces on the objects it was loading were not iray ... once I updated the surface to iray ... I could paste the surface from the ones that did load to the the ones that loaded without textures. 
    Doesn't make a lot of sense but does explain that somehow it couldn't get the textures if found to work. 
    head desk a few times and it will all feel better. 

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