Daz Window suddenly becomes unclickable

ernesto.a.taylorernesto.a.taylor Posts: 8
edited April 2024 in Daz Studio Discussion

I will just be going about my business, working on a project, and suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, the screen becomes unclickable. It acts as if there is a message window that came up, but it's not visible. Clicking ANYWHERE on the Daz program window is met with the "ding" sound that is typically activated when you click out of window during a popup message. I can't ever get the window to be usable anymore. Daz is still running properly (it's not frozen or unresponsive), but no combination of clicks or shortcut hotkey presses will function or help to fix it. 

I've tried different combinations of pressing ENTER, TAB, ALT, ESC, all to no avail. I've tried using the task manager to minimize and maximize the window (works fine). I've used the WIN+Arrow commands to move the window all around the screen (also works fine), but it doesn't make visible any possible message window that may have been backgrounded. I've also tried changing the windows resolution; activating muliple monitors and moving the program to the different monitors; moving the program to a different windows desktop via the task viewer. NONE of this has helped in any way. Daz just remains running just fine, but completely and permanently innaccesbile for further clicks or commands during the session. 

The only way to fix it is to use the task manager to end the task.....and you loose ALL unsaved work. 

I think perhaps it tends to happen when I'm doing something with the render pane, but I can't be sure at this point. 

Post edited by ernesto.a.taylor on


  • ernesto.a.taylorernesto.a.taylor Posts: 8
    edited April 2024

    One other thing: I just noticed this a couple of times ago that this problem occurred, it seems that in the task manager, and second instance of DAZStudio.exe has appeared that carries the status of "suspended". If I try to force close this with the end task command, it says that I don't have priveleges to do so. I'm trying to post a screenshot of this, but when I paste it into this window and try to post the comment, it says that the body of my message is too long. When I try to attach it as a file, the dialog says "uploading" but the upload never completes. 

    Post edited by ernesto.a.taylor on
  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,192

    Have you tried Alt+Tabbing through different windows, or hovering your mouse over DS in the taskbar, to see if a dialogue has popped up?

    Also, you can't attach images from your computer directly into your message. You have to upload it to the forums first using the "Attach a file" option right above the "Post Comment" button.

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