How to put Genesis 8 inside UE4 / 5?

So I have the bridge installed and it functions. I started a new empty third person temple in UE. I send over the character from Daz to UE. I see the character in its respective folder. I go into the third person character bp, and change out the mesh. I usually notice a problem there with the legs appearing to high. But I once figured out how to fix that. Now the next issue - animations. I go to duplicate the third person character's ABP (UE4 mannequin for 4 or Quin for 5) and immedietely I noticed the character from Daz is turned wrong, approximately 90 degrees wrong. I haven't seemed to fix this yet as I can reimport the mesh and turn it 90, but in the retargetting manager it still appears turned wrong. That definitely won't work.
Any one got any idea how to get this working properly? Thanks.
I just watched David's 2 video's here about setting up the plug-in and using UE5's retargetting manager.
I did get it to work, but there is a small problem, for reasons I don't understand the on landed animation seems to be rotated 90 on the Y, And whenever the character jumps or falls down he does a face plant into the ground.
Just tryed with another character and it is doing it to. Just tryed to single out the MM_Land animation and do it by itself and not the whole animation bp and still no luck.
Also tryed rotation the root on the land animation adding a key and saving and it still does it :(
Ok I just found the problem, in that certain animation, MM_Land, I had to uncheck "force root lock". If anyone has any explanation on this I would love to hear it. But hope this helps someone out there.