Problem with a Zev0 products. Why it doesn't work?

Hi, i bought this morph: Enhanced Facial Expressions HD for Genesis 9 (here). I install it with DIM, and tried to reinstall at least 3 times, but it didn't work. Why? When i try to use the script i have the massage attached in the pics. Maybe i used it wrong?
Someone can help me?

Screenshot 2024-04-20 180501.png
1920 x 1080 - 815K
If you open the Parameters tab, can you navigate to the path shown in the message?
Yes, I can. In the tab, under pose control/head/expression, i can find the expression.
If you use the expression dials you find in there, do they not work?
Yes, in the tabs it works
That is how it's supposed to work.
Today when i opened DIM i see an update for the product. Before the update the product in the smart content didn't work, and in the parametrers tab works. Now it seems work well. Thank you.