How to link two morphs?

Hey, is there anyway I can link two morphs?
For example, let's say if I had two morphs,
Morph A and Morph B.
I want to link Morph A to Morph B, so that when I set Morph A to 100%,
Morph B becomes 33%, and when I set Morph A to 0%, Morph B becomes 0%.
is this possible?
Yes, in this case it's also pretty simple (as long as A isn't already acting as a controller for other properties) - set A to 100%, B to 35%, and make sure everything else is zeroed. Right-click in the Parameters pane and check Edit Mode (assuming it isn't already checked) then right-click on Morph A and select ERC Freeze; in the dialogue that opens make suer B is the only thing selected under Subcomponents and click Accept.
For more complext cases, or to add to an existing set of controls, you need the Property Hierarchy pane too - and the Parameters pane in edit mode. if you right-click on A and select Show in Property Hierarchy then you will see Morph A in the other pane, and you can expand the data under it with the little triangles to see its controllers and Subcomponents, along with and settings for the links (e.g. the link your ERC Freeze created will be under 1st Stage and it will probably be set as ERC Delta Add with a scalar value of 0.35).