How to fix rotational problems?

This one I'm suer will get complicated, but I'll start here.
So this has actually happened more then once, but for this discussion I'll use the TOS Phaser Rifle by MightyMax. When I unzip this figure to Studio, (DS3A in this case) the rotation sliders cause it to rotate from a center point outside of the model. Infact the Z rotation is compleatly incorrect and acts like the X rotation but with a Cinter point closer to the model.
So My question is how can I correct this? I suspect I'll have to take it into a modeler like Hexagon, which I have btw, but any help in fixing this would be much appreciated.
One fix is to parent a null to the item, where you want the centre point to be, and to use that to rotate it. You can also use the free Origin setting script on the old site - see my index of free scripts in the DAZ Studio Freepozitory there.
Of those two methods I prefer the Null. It's fast and saves with your scene file. The Script is only active for the one use, by that I mean it is temporary, and does not stay in your saved scene file.