Cheyenne 9
Thought she deserved her own thread. Hopefully some renders to come.
Some nice looking pieces in the bundle. I'll probably pick up her, the HD, the braids and maybe the jewellery set.

2000 x 2600 - 3M
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As I posted in a different thread, I quite like the character, especially with the Kinship morphs. I would have liked more authentic clothing, but what's included in the bundle isn't the worst I've seen, and there does appear to be more attention to detail and authenticity than the standard Spirit Halloween store Sexy Indian costume that's all too common. Daz really should have tapped Meshitup for some outfits.
I picked up the pro bundle today and I quite like it. Here are a few renders I did and posted in the other thread:
This is her with default HD shape, the curvy shape for the business suit and the athletic shape for the portrait (no makeup).
The Cheyenne braids gave me problems with moving them to the front in the first pose, but I had viking braids that worked even better and looked just like them.
That PA's hair always takes a while to pose, but worth it if you have something very exact in mind. - I like they've put the 'bones' on a quick utility action for this set.
Looking foward to trying the kinship faces
Here's a couple more with her thin shape:
She reminds me of Alawa, who I always thought could pass as indigineous if I did a bit of dial spinning, and Alawa was one of my favorite figures of any generation. I definintely want to buy the figure before the sale ends but I'm trying to figure out how to get the price at a certain point. I used to be able to get a g9 DO figure with HD for $20 or less now the base price for just the morph without HD is almost 20. I definitely want to HD as well so I've been doing a bit of cart juggling but I'm not getting to where I want it.
I assumed that Alawa was intended to be indigenous, as she was released as the counterpart to Dasan with the same retrofuturistic theme.
Some test renders with the HD - I think here I might have used Natural Bends or simlar to get the wrinkles on the ankle but left the other joints unmodified. There's minimal corrects on the bends, so you get the standard G9 thighs and calfs.
I realy like the hands!
Skin on a boy - no compliants. The male chest material isn't bad. The headdress has some posing options for the individual parts, but you're still going to have to be creative with getting hair to lay flat underneath it.
I picked up the alternative shapes but I'll probably return them. Her face is very difficult for me to pose convincingly and the alternative shapes I found exacabated that, even with the lip texture correction utility. She's shown here with one of the alt shapes and the lip 'fix' applied. They'd probably be ok if you like neutral poses or are cleverer at posing than I am.
In the end I purchased the base figure, the breads, and the headress outfit and the HD.
did Cheyenne women, or any Native women, wear the big headdress?
What a beautiful character- thanks for sharing these renders! I see the base figure is for 65% off- $17.49 now. I'm going to use her as a modern character so the base figure works for me.
Looks androgynous
AFAIK traditionally Plains-style war bonnets were not worn by women, though there have been some women who earned the right to wear one.
I wish they had leaned more heavily into the features of Native American women. I would like to see shapes really start to stand out and be distinct.
thank you
I picked up the character and HD morphs. I'll use the hair, but probably only on elves.
Any comment on the Sexy costume Garb would probably be removed, but needless to say, can't use stuff like that.
I really like her, but this indigenous outfit is a bit much. Because it looks more like modern Hollywood outfit that is only supposed to look sort of idigenous. Skirt+bra.
There was a lot of backlash to the price increase necessitated by including the HD in the base figure, so it's possible that Daz decided to separate them so that people who didn't want the HD didn't have to pay for it.
I'm not sure if using the OmniHair shader requires updating to 4.22 or simply updating your default resources, but I'd definitely try the latter if you're wary about upgrading to 4.22.
Really liking how Cheyenne mixes with other shapes, great DNA to have available, she makes some great realistic/interesting characters.
Here's 100% Cheyenne:
And a bunch of mixes (Hanako, Nexara, Aury, Helena, Mia, Mira):
Awesome renders! Really cool to see how you've blended her with other characters.
Well, it's certainly been a while. The gen4 Cheyenne sets were in what, about 2010?
yep...doesn't seem that far back until you think about it...14 years is a pretty long time, especially has many advances have ben made in rendering engines, etc.
I had to think about it for a while, but eventually I bought the base figure, HD, one of the alternate shapes, the braids, and the alternate faces. I have little to no use for anything in the rest of the release besides maybe the warbonnet, which I may buy if I decide that I need it, but the clothing was such a mishmash, being a sexified version of North American and then what looks like maybe Azttec or Myan, neither of which do I need, so passed on the big bundles, got a better deal on what I DID want anyway.
NOW I just need to get my library set back up so I can start rendering again now that I got a video card upgrade that can actuially get something done...
What is the lip texture correction utility that you mentioned? - It was in option included in this set "Because of Cheyenne's unique lip texture, there is a lip shape adjustment for using the head shapes with Cheyenne skin. For other skins, don't need to use it (or you can remove it with the included preset if you previously added it). The head shape presets do not adjust this."
In practice the most obvious effect it seemed to have when I applied it was to change the cupid's bow
Those are some really nice mixes, stelari. Particularly like that second one, amazed that's with Nexara.
Yeah. The gen4 clothing was Platnum Club, and while it was rather ornate and ceremonial, it wasn't just pin-up fodder.
Oh yes! In Hollywood, in Las Vegas, and of course in the 'Crazy Horse' shows in Paris...
Yeah I have that stuff, it is ptrtty much unusable these days unless you are using it for something to paint over or something like that. And I have no problem with skimpwear personally, a lot of what I do it linup style renders, but I just don't care for how most of that clothing looks, mainly because I was never into the whole Aztec/Myan thing. Also about the only thing made how it probably looked is the warbonnet so until i need a Genesis 9 warbonnet i'll be waiting on that particular product.
Native American women who wore headdresses were often of high social status and were respected members of their communities. Men typically wore headdresses, but in some tribes, women were also allowed to wear them to symbolize their leadership and spiritual connections. The headdresses worn by women were often smaller and less elaborate than those worn by men but were still considered a significant and honored part of their attire.
Oh, I didn't know that. Which peoples were they? Magnificent headdresses like that of Cheyenne 9 were not worn by women, according to my information.