Is there any way to copy poses to another daz model on blender ?

I use Blender and Daz for character creation. I use Blender for clothing and hair which I attached to my character. I use Daz to make animations, especially facial animations which I export to Blender to apply to my character. It seems when I do it only the animations that affects the armature can be transferred to the figure. For the record I use Mixamo for animations like walking or Running. I also use Ctrl+L to link animation data. I have already worked 20 animations and I am wondering if there is a way to also copy animations made with pose controls so I don't have to remake the clothes and hair for each animation. Help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance
It depends. G1 G2 use shapes for the facial expressions, so you have to import the face units first. G3 G8 use bones so you don't need face units. G81 G9 use FACS that's shapes plus bones, so you need to import FACS first.