Importing ambelics to MD (marvellous designer)

Doing a 3rd year university project. I need your help.
I have exported the ambelic and have the Tpose where it transitions into the movement.
when importing it into MD it seems fine although maybe on the smaller side.
If it is moved or the piece of clothing are moved it then enlarges and rotates where the front face points upwards.
How can I stop this?
I have two outfits made already on still avatars, is there a way I can give them movement - such as a catwalk - (fashion project) or are they stuck like that.
Any help I would be much grateful for.
That sounds as if you are loading the Alembic file as a blend shape/morph target. Those move the vertices along a straight line from the start position to the end, so rotations will usually shrink (or possibly stretch) the mesh and then scale back the other way.
SMall how? Like 90% the size you want or 10% the size you want. You can adjust scale in several ways, either before exporting from Daz or before importing to MD.
Are you using Sagan exporter from Daz?
No idea what you are describing. You are moving and scaling the alembic in MD and then are acting suprised it is transformed and scaled?
What is the alembic? The avatar with no clothing, the avatar with clothing? Is the clothing exported as alembic from Daz along with the avatar?
Why would they be stuck "like that"? MD is simulation, so of course they are not stuck unless you froze them. Unfreeze them.
1. Export the unclothed daz avatar as Alembic using Sagan.
2. Import alembic avatar to MD
3. Simulate the MD garments to fit the avatar at frame 0.
4. In animation pane, run and record simulation animation.
5. If issues, rerun after fixing issues, playing with animation simulation settings, animation warp speed, iterations etc, and garment properties, like Particle distance.
5. Export your animated garments as alembic.
6. Bring animated avatar and animated garment to your renderer of choice (e.g., Blender).